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Old 04-05-2011, 02:06 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
Sadly Chris, I think Stafford has a point here. Shame your struggling though and all I can suggest is to keep knocking on insurance's doors. If you don't insure for a few years you'll go back to square 1 again and as you mention the accident the cost will further increase in years to come too (for upto 5 years before its off your record with some NOT all). So your buggered either way, your only saving grace is if an insurer looks at your complete history (hopefully unblemished?)and see's it as a blip on an otherwise good insurance record and takes a punt/ risk on you, but you'll have to dig a little deeper for a little while.

I don't like quoting to potential brokers/ insurers what others have already quoted, as that gives the game away and them an idea of what to charge without working it out for themselves.

Good Luck with finding a subtly priced quote Chris
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