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Old 10-02-2011, 07:48 AM   #8
Posts: n/a
There is another possibility (which Capo hinted at) which is that riders aren't the best.

When I had a dink in my front wheel I found them both profit oriented and very risk averse in suggesting I get a new front wheel for £700 and that straightening it was not safe.
I did directly ask them why it was acceptable for them to straighten the wheel on their OWN track back but not on mine. The answer was that the service and race departments were not the same departments, hence they treat their own bikes differently to customers (when there is money at stake?).
I did get it straightened elsewhere for about £80 in the end.

So if they are being risk averse or wanting to make money from the warranty work, then in this case I'm not bothered as it's new parts on my bike for free.

But I probably won't take it there once I'm out of warranty.

Last edited by lisyloo; 10-02-2011 at 08:50 AM..
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