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Old 24-11-2010, 05:21 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
My DAd has chalked up 9 points on the same stretch of road he works early hours 2am ish. Til 6am and has been done by the same gatso a couple of times ..
I did say it's in the same place each day .. It doesn't go for a jolly down the road !
His was 34 35 in a 30.. Epsom area is a mare for gatso and speed guns!
I could understand if he got done on a gun!!
But the same gatso twice!!!!! And people think I'm gormless lol!

As I said before my step dad had a run in at court with a cyclist stood his ground and won the case.... Sometimes it pays to argue but sometimes not it's your call .
My step dad was in the right the cyclist was a muppet

Last edited by He11cat; 24-11-2010 at 05:24 PM..
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