Thread: Dangerous rider
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Old 06-09-2010, 12:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by crust View Post
So you think interfering with some one else's bike is the answer?

You going to leave him a note telling him you've made his bike unsafe?

Who appointed you judge, jury and executioner?

Before you go interfering with other peoples bikes think how you'd react if you saw somebody else doing it. If I saw some letting a bikes tyres down, anyone's not just mine, is stop them or if there was a copper get him to.

Methinks there's two sides to every story and I'm curious as to what made Mr angry so wound up.
Don't try to defend this idiots actions. Some one trying to smash their way past your bike in the cycling lane, kicking at your wheels, throwing punches at you and swerving in front to try to knock you off is indefensible regardless of what made them angry.

Granted I shouldn't have been in the cycling lane either, but this is London rush hour and most of us will filter down the cycling lane occasionally.

If you ride at break neck speed in the cycling lane through stationary traffic, you can't get angry if someone steps out, another rider pulls in or a cyclist gets in your way. If you can't stop in time, you're going too fast, period.

The cycling lane isn't his own personal race course, and who appointed him judge, jury and most likely executioner in the near future?
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