Thread: Dangerous rider
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Old 04-09-2010, 11:10 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
report it...

If you have the model of bike colour and part plate thats enough I would think with a plate with Bad on it..

Hes a liability and twats like that give bikers a bad name...

I had that with students in a car .. tried to take me out in a car on my 125 on purpose for a giggle.. then ran red lights. I had to swerve and arced my back wheel round..spun off.. I was steaming..
I hit the car good and hard in anger.. they soon changed the look on their faces when I got them at the lights the set they did choose to stop at!

Have to say I reported them could only recall part of the plate..
Theres enough CCTV for him to be picked up...
Also put word about...

I know what I would do if I saw the bike parked up... ooopssss I tripped over.. twat.
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