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Old 03-02-2010, 10:29 AM   #19
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Staffs are now sadly the abused status dog..
Lots of people having litters at home for the wrong reasons and sorry to be a snob but chavs love them.

A lot ending up in rescue centres now.
The amount of idiots I see with them @status dogs.. badly trained.

Shame is they in the right hands are wonderful dogs ..really soppy.
But sadly are going to end up with such a bad press yet again as a real boom in staffy ownership but by people who are clueless.

We have gluts of them usually owned by 19 year old boys teasing them.. and have had inccidents of them getting of leads and in one case one ripped apart this other little dog and the guy was egging it on. Sick.
Bring back dog licence .. up it and that would make people think a little .. however how do you police it with all the litter being born unregisterd nowdays.
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