Thread: Rizoma's ON!
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Old 04-09-2009, 10:23 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Talking Rizoma's ON!

Well, here they are - result from this evening, front fairing off, Rizoma mirrors on, R&G Aero crash bobbins on.

First impressions, the mirrors look great and are beautifully made. Its got to be said that the visibility is, well, a bit pants... but not so bad that they're coming off just yet! I think I'm lucky in that I'm probably smaller than a lot of riders so I get away without seeing my elbows in them which is a good start considering they're so teeny. Anyway, time will tell. Crash bungs great too, lets hope I don't need 'em

Big thanks to Konan who practically did it all for me (EDIT: oh and also got me them at discounted price!) while I just loitered around disturbing west london residents with the high level noisies. Not bad for a nights work considering between us we appeared to be lacking pretty much every tool we needed and owning every single one that we didn't, good stuff!!

I should really get the proper camera out at some point instead of using the phone, promise I will soon!!

Last edited by bex; 04-09-2009 at 10:43 PM..
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