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Old 12-04-2009, 09:05 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Few more details

I had a request for more details of what I did, so here goes, hope this helps someone...

I only used Hammerite on the bits that stay cold. Used Sperex Engine Enamel for the casings.

You need to take off the footrest mountings to get a clear run at things. Undo all the cable ties so that you can clear cables.

Get some nitromorse paint stripper and apply gently, leave it for 20 minutes and wipe off with a cloth then apply another coat and so on until you have all the nasty paint off. Then gently wipe with a wet cloth to clean away the stripper. I then used a Dremel with a wire brush and basically poished all of the black aluminum rust off. Don't work about the sand impression in the casings, thats from when they were cast, you'll find the paint will cover that easily.

Most important, you need to get some clutch and brake cleaner, I used six cans, it's a really good degreaser amd will make sure your metal bits are free of much and grease before painting. Spray it anywhere it's really safe and then wipe away with a clean cloth. You'll see that Spearex specifically say do not use any primer so I didn't use it where I applied it. I did use self etching primer on all areas that had Hammerite applied.

Rub everything down with P800 wet and Dry before applying paint, and rub gently down between coats with P1200. Give each coat a good while to dry, Hammerite needed 2 hours (even though it says 1hour on can).

Mask up gently and stuff all gaps with newspaper then cover the bike in newspaper as overspray will go all over the place. Get a good mask before applying the paint, I got a suitable one from Wikes.

Self Etching Primer can be obtained from Frosts Restoration you'll find them on line. This cuts into the alloy so that it will bond rather than sit on top. Apparently alloy begins to break down and leaves a residue almost imediatley it is exposed to air, which means that there would be a barrier between your paint and the alloy. However as mentioned above this is not needed for the Sperex Engine Enamel..

Take your time, be patient and when I started the bike up for the first I only ran it for a couple if minutes just to get some warmth in the engine, did this a couple of times so that it slowly baked the paint on rather than burning it off.
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