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Old 24-02-2009, 12:32 PM   #7
Bronze Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Cardiff
Bike: M695
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I guess I probably have the rose tinted glasses on to a certain degree when I think about my time in Miami back in the late ninetees......

I did an organised tour accross the states with a company called Suntrek (unfortunately in a minibus rather than on a motorcycle!). It was great fun - started out in San Francisco and then drove accross the country over the course of a few weeks taking in the sights along the way. Went as far down as Key West and then back up to Miami & spent a couple of weeks there before heading back to the UK. Met some cool people and really got to see the real America when I headed off the tourist trail. I spent a few days in Missouri and I don't think some of the people I met had ever seen a British person in the flesh before - it was quite funny!

Anyway, I reckon two wheels is by far the best way to travel in the states (or pretty much anywhere for that matter) If only I didn't have all these damn financial commitments and desk job I would definately re-do the journey on a bike. Still, without the job I couldn't pay for my beloved Monster, so it's not all bad......
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