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Old 16-11-2008, 12:56 PM   #11
Posts: n/a

Hi all. These are my first tentative steps into cyberspace. I don,t know if anyone will even see this. Anyhoo...Am now pretty chuffed owner of new s4rs tricolore. Began biking in 1970 I think, on some kind of pressed steel frame Honda 150, a couple of cd175,s and my first "proper" bike a brand new Rd350 in brit racing green. That got nicked(still traumatised)got interesting Kawasaki avenger or samurai? thing then had cb400four for two or three years. More or less finally, ended up on GS1000 which I comprehensively dumped on a visit to I.O.M about 78 or 79. A particularly troublesome rd400 stopped the bike thing in 86ish but 07, saved pennies like child to buy tired but sound SV650. Liked it to bits, hooned, commuted year round, got lucky in an unlucky way, bought spankey new s4rs wondering if twas really what I wanted. It Is. I am like all enthused again! I havejoined this here club in the hope of learning from other members experience with Ducatis and if I can, to be a bit helpful to others who may feel as lost and helpless as I do with this PC thingy.
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