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Old 05-11-2008, 11:26 AM   #1
Dave Pearson
Posts: n/a
Bennets insurance....BUYER BEWARE

I recently sold my Monster (yes I do regret it).........and dutifully canceled my insurance policy with Bennets and sent back the Certificate.
After a week of not hearing anything I called them and they said "we haven't received your certificate, so cannot cancel the policy".....after three weeks I contacted them again, same thing, they sent me a form for me to fill in saying that I had lost the certificate which I amended (I hadn't lost it) and sent it back...........heard nothing.
I just phoned them again, "ok, yes we have received the certificate", oh good says I, what about my refund for the 7 months of the policy that are still remaining........."oh yes, you get nothing back because your policy is older than 5 months"......"WTF" says I.........."oh you should have read the details when you took the policy out".
If you are insured or are thinking of insuring with Bennets: BUYER BEWARE
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