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Old 24-10-2008, 11:28 PM   #15
Posts: n/a

And i also agree with you Nick, completely!
I too had a tendency to wear out the rear tyre (and sprocket), with a collection of various two stroke twins and triples, large capacity Jap fours and the odd VW trike or three, in the seventies and eighties.
I had a Kwak S2 750 triple with expansion boxes, that was built for standing on the back wheel, let's face it, they didn't like to go round corners, so it was a case of making the most out of their straight-line abilities, of which i did quite regularily.
Same with the XT500, always on the back wheel, the difference in those days was that there was much less traffic about and the plod drove around in Ford Escorts.
Of course there were the traffic cops in their Volvo estates, although they usually didn't stray too far from the motorways, so it was considered just bad luck if you got a tug from them.
As for cameras, the best you could hope for was the hand-held radar gun but you usually knew where they were likely to be and besides, vehicles coming the other way would always flash their headlights and give you a thumbs down, considered to be the universal sign for alerting you to a speed trap.
So yes, you could certainly get away with much more "brains out" riding in those days, plus there wasn't the same amount of signage to contend with as there is today, i don't remember when speed-bumps came on the scene, or those horrible red stripes that are supposed to slow you down as you enter a 30 zone.
Looking back, i suppose we were just as daft as the young-uns of today, it was just much easierto get away with it then.
So i retract my previous post because if i don't, then i stand accused of slagging off the riders that we once were, in our time and that would be considered hypocritical and i would really like to think that i'm not.
I still think the guy was a knob for posting the video though!
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