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Old 15-09-2008, 07:13 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: NW Surrey
Bike: Multiple Monsters
Posts: 3,306
BluprintZ - George - what can I say!
You are one sound guy - thanks so much for the photos, filming - and the hospital visits mate - you are a blinding geezer sir!!

Our weekend went as follows:
Thurs arrived at track late afternoon - force 5 winds, but dry.
Slob arrives soon after - we make camp.

Friday - trackday - dry day (except for a few drops of drizzle in session 2 of the morning). Lots of gearing changes, suspension changes too.

Saturday: Qually - Clint clinches pole, Paul gets 8th on grid in class (15th over all.
Race one: Red flag on 1st lap - Paul down - nasty one - breaks collarbone & off in blues & 2's. Clint wins.
Race 2: Clint wins
Sunday: Update on Paul, Punctured lung to add to injuries - George visits Paul on way to track in the morning.
Clint takes a close 2nd in Race 1, & wins race 2 by a country mile.

Sun eve: we pile into Bangor Hosp on the way home to see Paul - going to be staying for a few days, before he gets transferred to Surrey by ambulance.
Nasty traffic delays on A55 holds us up for a long time.
Home about 12.45 this morning!!

Big 'up' to Slob for all his pit work this weekend - and also to BluprintZ for his generosity - and for being a good mate!

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