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Old 03-09-2008, 12:10 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Well, I picked my new S2R up on the 1st (it started chucking it down on the way home too - I was heartbroken my brand new polished machine was gettin trashed in its first 5 miles haha) and I must say i'm loving it. Due to the CRAP weather ive only been able to do 48 flipping miles on it! Typical. But such a change. I changed one R1 in the past for a Vmax and that was a difference and a half, but I feel this is probably one of the best changes I've made. The feel of the vibrating engine, the riding position and the sound I just love. Will love the sound even more at my 600 mile first service as my Termi's are on their way from Italy! I just hope we get some dry weather so I can actually put the 600 on it soon!
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