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Old 11-06-2008, 12:03 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by singletrack View Post
I am guessing 7th September is roughly 3 months after your op - which means you will probably be able to ride you bike again by then ( possibly earlier if you have a consultant who doesn't think motorbikes are the work of the Devil Incarnate like mine did.)

Voltarol doesn't agree with me either ( or morpheine, or codeine, or diclophenac, or any of the pain killers/anti-inflmmatories that actually work!)
Now, we'll have to arrange to meet on the 7th now it's in my diary - bionic knee appreciation society gathering!
My surgeon does appreiciate bikes, he doesn't ride but said (before he knew what I rode) that if he did it would be a Ducati Monster - he just laughs now he knows I ride one. He made me promise that if he did the knee, I'd have to ride into Hospital when I've recovered for him to see it...Riding in London is going to be a test and a challenge. Might have to stop at the Ace Cae on the way for a rest!
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