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Old 04-05-2008, 03:02 PM   #14
Posts: n/a
Your going to like it. My other hald took one out on Saturday.

She has a had 620sie from new (02), she felt the new one was a lot more smoother on acceleration, dropped into bends easier, didn't baulk at poor road surfaces. She even said it caught her out and how her feet touched the ground easier than her own.

Only points she wasn't to sure on was the brakes. She felt her 6 year old ones were more responsive. But we always said that the brakes on her 620 were far better than any other brakes we have come across, we suspect that the 696 may be just a little later coming in but would expect them to be good if needed in anger. She was even offered a deal on her own, but she wants to take another 696 out, She is of the feeling that she has had a good 6 years with her 620 and it's been so reliable does she need to change? Lets see what another test ride will do.
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