Thread: 620 speedo
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Old 10-10-2007, 09:05 PM   #8
Posts: n/a

Its just the case surround that's cracked the speedo and didgi bit's work great. Am still racked with guilt at the wounds i've inflickted on my precious one. Any ideas other than ebay as to were i could find someone who's breaking up a monster?

Originally Posted by JMo View Post
As the others have said, if the clocks have stopped working/the electronics are bust, then unfortunately your only option is a new set...

However, what exactly is the problem? - if you've just cracked the case/surround or the lens for example, then it is possible to split the clocks (you'll need a small torx socket) and replace those parts - however, you can't buy them seperately new (only a complete clock unit for Ducati) - but try ebay/brakers etc. - I saw a number of clocks at the BMF auto jumble earlier this year - the innards would be no use of course, but the surround/lenses were sound...

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