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Old 31-05-2007, 12:39 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
Maybe Ducati Insurance isn't a good idea...

I take back what I said about Ducati Insurance...I think

I've just discovered by talking to a friend who has recently had a very serious motorcycle accident and who is also insured with Ducati Insurance/Wicked Quotes/Ramasis.

The bike is written off and they've given him a good figure for the bike, so that bit is great although it's taken nearly 2 months for him to get the money; however he is badly facially scarred for life now and his face is mainly made up of metal plates - not nice

Anyway, he's wanting to sue the woman who caused the accident and claim loss of earnings etc and Ducati have told him that they do not offer legal cover on their policies, but he could pay Keystone (sheet of paper that comes with your certificate) a one-off fee of £30 plus all his solicitors cost and they'll deal with his claim but they'd also take 5% of whatever he is awarded

After checking out his options he's decided to simply find one of these 'no win no fee' solicitors who are going to start court proceedings.

My insurance is due for renewal tomorrow and I'm seriously going to have another look around online tonight as I'd rather pay that little bit extra and have complete peace of mind tbh
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