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Old 12-04-2007, 02:23 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Mega Rant.....................

Jan sold her old car last December, and we've now recieved a NIP, because said car went through a Gatso somewhere in Kent, a week or two back.
I sent it back with a 'strongly worded' letter, pointing out that the DVLA were informed at the time etc etc, and basically Hell will freeze over before they recieve a penny from me.
I don't care if this ends up in court, I'll fight the beauracratic bastards all the way.
I've found out also, that the bloody DVLA, can register CCJ's against you, thus affecting your credit rating, if you fail to pay one of their dictatorial fines.
Well they can shove that up their collective arses, because I'm in a position where I neither need, nor want credit.
This whole system of policing roads with cameras, SORN etc, is a fu*kin' outrage. Some scum pikey can drive around for years with no tax/insurance/MOT, and the majority of joe public are treated like this. I'm sick to fu*kin' death of all this sort of sh1t.
Fu*k 'em. They can kiss my arse.

P.S. I'm feeling just a little bit annoyed at the moment.
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