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Old 29-03-2007, 06:57 PM   #12
Pegleg Pete
Posts: n/a
Still more lovely welcomings - Aren't you all just the friendliest bunch of Monsterereres!

Thanks for your support for the test. Im actually looking forward to it

The Kawasaki ER500 that I'm on isn't too bad, but I think you are right in saying that its a tad heavier than the m600. Its easy enough to handle though. I was out yesterday in the most glorious springy sunshine and was far too hot in all my leathers, whereas today it rained nearly all day and the windchill was farkin ridiculous so I shivered my way around Farnborough! Still good fun and the heated grips saved me from forgettting how to use my fingers, and stopping in tesco's for a steaming cup of (strangely grey coloured) Tea and a plate of Sausages, Chips and Beans definately helped :P

Unfortunately my test isn't until Tuesday 3rd so wont be able to join this weekends jaunt to Goodwood I wish you hadnt have mentioned that Charlotte!! Now I'm truly gutted as I cancelled my test this Friday to give me a bit more time to prepare, and that would have been such a brilliant first days outing. Grrrr :P

Incidentally, how do I change my location to something other than Smegsville?! Ive looked all through my profile thingy but I cant see it anywhere. And can everyone see my pic apart from me? Im sure I uploaded it properly.....

Anyone else in Hampshire around during the evenings next week to go for a ride? Provided I pass of course
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