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Old 28-03-2007, 10:03 PM   #1
Pegleg Pete
Posts: n/a
Talking Hello Everyone :o)

My name is Pete!

As soon as I discovered I was expecting, I joined your lovely forum in anticipation!

My 2001 M600 Dark arrives this weekend!!! Woooooooooo.

I live in Hampshire, about 7 miles from Alton so I would love to hear from anyone in the area.

I'm only just doing my DAS this week, with my fingers crossed for Tuesday 3rd April when I have my test. If anyone else feels like crossing their fingers, or anything else, for me please feel free

And just so you know :P

As a kid I always loved cars - the classic sports and 80's wet dreams. I didn't even consider wanting a bike until I saw a Ducati Monster pull up outside the Barley Mow Pub in Tilford in 1995 when I was 15. It was the only bike I have ever wanted, although I can appreciate other bikes. I'm not sure what it is about them that appeal to me so much, and it wasnt until a few months ago that I put two and two together, and equalled me buying one. I always looked longingly on when I saw and heard them, but never imagining that I would ever ride one. So when I put a deposit down on my Monster at the beginning of the month, I did it without even having ever sat on one. I already know that I have made the right decision, and so my exctiement builds as the weekend approaches far too slowly!

Did I already say woooohooo?

Oh, and just for the record, I've never used a piglet before so for my first ever post, I shall use one. Just because
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