Thread: Rear End.....
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Old 11-02-2007, 06:47 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
Don't worry about thinking you're a muppet. I was a newbie this time last year and didn't know the first thing about bikes (still don't) but I know a lot more about them then a year ago. No point being a member of a site like this if you don't ask questions.

For the plate I'd try as a start as they let you design your own. Go to the "Show Signs" section.

As for the pipes, depending how far you want to go, there's a million options. Termignoni's, Quat-D, Sil's, Zard etc. You also need to look at changing your air filter and airbox lid (depending on how racy your cans turn out to be. Then get it set up on a dyno properly so you notice a difference in the power as well as the noise.

Hope this helps.

Bodybag (Termi's, open airbox and race ECU)

P.S. Chop the tail, you know you want to (that should start the tailchop argument again).

Last edited by Bodybag; 11-02-2007 at 06:50 PM..
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