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Old 14-11-2006, 07:37 AM   #10
Posts: n/a
Here you go....

Bill Bailey / Roebotech
Rear of TNT motorcycles (I assume they are still there?)
314 Eastcote Lane
South Harrow

0208 422 5800
07931 390689

Bill's great, I was originally given his details by another monster owner, he did a lot of work on my 888 when it was overheating. I've not taken my monster there yet as its still quite new and I want to keep the service book stamps going for a while but everyone I know who uses him rates him very highly, only downside is that last time I used him he didnt have courtesy bikes

You're not far from me and Mr QGP, so hopefully see you for a blat or a cuppa at the Ace Cafe some time?
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