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Old 11-11-2006, 03:49 PM   #14
Posts: n/a
I really can't add anything as i'm a newbie myself, but just want to ask, do you have a tachometer?
Yes, I have a tacho - but to reinforce your point, I've never had one before so I have no frame of reference - it's difficult to know what's 'too high' and 'too low'. All I have to go off are my ears, and they're used to the anaemic wailing of a restricted DT125!!

Thanks for the replies from everyone - I felt a bit stupid asking at first, but I'm glad I did now. Why struggle along on your own when you can ask people who've been riding these beasts for years?

After riding in a lower gear and revving harder, the bike seems a lot happier, though it still feels alien to me. Like Robot says, I've never used first gear so much - it seems somehow unnatural to be changing down to first gear to negotiate a tight mini-roundabout after quite happily zipping round in 3rd on my DT for so long.

Thanks again for the help and advice
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