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Old 28-08-2005, 01:53 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

I bought my new S2r from Ducati Aylesbury on 17th August. A couple of days later I figured I was going to need the 600 mile service pretty soon as I was racking up the miles. I phoned Aylesbury who told me that the soonest they could do it would be in 3 weeks and that I wasn't allowed to go more than 100 miles or so over the 600 miles. I was told that I should have booked it in on the day I picked up the bike, but I wasn't. It would only have made a couple of days difference anyway. I was looking at having my new bike laid up for 2 weeks as I waited for the service - not good especially with the bank holiday looming.

I enquired about the cost and was told it would be £230. I was horrified as my wife's new Hornet 600 was £45 for the same service. The explanation that I was given was that it was a Ducati! The service guy told me that labour is not free on the 600 mile service. He also informed me that as I would be having the bike serviced with the supplying dealer, the £230 price included a subsidisidy of £100 so I was apparently getting a bargain!
I then phoned Riders of Bristol to see if they could do me a better price and service time. They could only fit me 2 days earlier and their price was £240.
I went back to Aylesbury and told them that Riders were only £10 more expensive, so what happened to the £100 subsidy? The service receptionist couldn't explain. They said that if was unhappy I should go to Riders then!

As both Riders of Bristol and Ducati Aylesbury are in the middle of nowhere I didn't fancy sitting around for 4 hours with nowhere to go. So I called Pegasus in Reading. What a difference. Polite efficient staff.
They could fit me in the next week. I had my bike serviced by them on Thursday, less than 2 weeks after picking it up. They had it done in 3 hours and it only cost £217. That's cheaper than the supplying dealer with their £100 subsidy, who you would have thought would have been keen to hang onto my business. Pegasus also sorted out a couple of things that should have been done as part of the PDI check by Aylesbury. They removed various pieces of white tape from around the frame and several silver tapes off the swing arm which are fitted at the factory to protect the bike whilst being assembled. They are also now working on a problem with the fuel mixture and balance of the injection as the bike is running lumpy. As I hadn't ridden a Monster before I thought that it was just the nature of the bike, but the service technician wasn't happy with it and is endeavouring to sort it out - but that's another story. Odd though how Ducati Aylesbury didn't notice it.

Pegasus are only a 10 minute walk from the town centre so there is plenty to do whislst they service your bike. I strongly reccomend them.

Make your own mind up about Ducati Aylesbury - I have.
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