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Old 13-05-2005, 04:29 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
Thats them.

I think your right,Bumfighters.... I tuned into it thinking I was going to see celebs, tightly gripping a pugil stick between the cheeks of there arse and trying to knock seven bells out of each other...But it was not to be..
I wasn't a happy bunney...a bit like Kev, who's not happy at the moment....

I don't think that those two wine'oes were for real, because the one with the tatts on his head, looks just like my bank manager, who is into the amatuer dramatic scene, I think it was a setup....Having said that, I would love to see the poe faced tosser, being force fed "nutty soup" by some para military, hard christians.....
Byethe way, it was a good job that window was open when the tramp stuck his swede through it!!

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