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Old 09-04-2005, 07:11 AM   #13
Posts: n/a
I'm with Ducati insurance and the cost was dramatically better than CN and others. One thing I did find is that the insurance companies say they will not add a discount for the Ducati immobiliser as its not thatcham approved. If you ask them to check their system they find that within their system, (which I'm no expert on), does recognise the Ducati system independently.

I spoke to a few of the quote guys at the different companies at "CN or others" said a number said Oh we do discount for the Ducati systems!!! I chap explained that he had been telling the Ducati riders to get a thatcham system fitted to get the discount.

Anyway, if you have a Ducati immobilier before you think about getting a Thatcham system fitted it may be worth asking the insurance people to double check.
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