View Full Version : Grid Girls?

31-01-2018, 04:43 PM
Can't say I ever watch it but - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/42890261

Guess it'll be all the bike events next, or am I already behind the times (no surprise)..

31-01-2018, 04:56 PM
The PC brigade have gone totally mad imo. Soon it will be illegal to look or talk to women who are attractive.

31-01-2018, 05:49 PM
Illegal or not, they are usually running away before I get the opportunity to do either (apart from Mrs BRD of course & she keeps her distance)

31-01-2018, 06:25 PM
wonder if anyone asked the grid girls themselves who from one i know in the uk (now no longer does it) are advertising/promotion staff as a day job and really look forward to the motorsport events. PC gone mad as Jez says. i really despair for the future.

31-01-2018, 06:48 PM
Hate all this PC twaddle and i will never comply or be assimilated ....

31-01-2018, 07:01 PM
Bloody Snow Flakes are at it again ��

01-02-2018, 11:39 AM
now the grid girls loose a good few days pay and a nice adventure at the races ,, shame on the moronic Puritan small minded PC arseholes

Mr Gazza
01-02-2018, 04:58 PM
Brolly Dollies, Trolleyed. Folly!

01-02-2018, 06:11 PM
Blimey, I guess the next step is all women will have to cover up from head to toe so they cannot me seen.

01-02-2018, 06:14 PM
maybe they need a few blokes in there too, I would volunteer if it got me into a F1 race for free :)

01-02-2018, 07:30 PM
maybe they need a few blokes in there too, I would volunteer if it got me into a F1 race for free :)

And you get paid to do it ....

01-02-2018, 08:01 PM
maybe they need a few blokes in there too, I would volunteer if it got me into a F1 race for free :)

Do you have the legs for a mini skirt or hot pants?

01-02-2018, 09:20 PM
Load of nonsense, the world's going mad .

01-02-2018, 09:39 PM
The world has gone PC mad. Its just a knee jerk reaction to that whole mindset. The PMRC have already censored Rock n roll and so now what's left? Anything else that might be fun? Its all that Pankhurst womans fault :) but joking aside I mean lets be sensible its not exactly exploitation or slavery we're talking about here its peoples jobs and livelyhoods that are at stake and big brother says no, they can no longer work, so who's being exploited now?. I know this is pretty much a male dominated forum but there are some females on here so can we get feedback from the ladies? What do they think about it?

01-02-2018, 10:31 PM
maybe they need a few blokes in there too, I would volunteer if it got me into a F1 race for free :)

Already been done by Ana Carrasco I'm afraid and she got a lot of grief over having a buff bloke as a brolly bod- I've no idea why- if the girls are going to race then why not even it up a little?

https://s20.postimg.org/x5vhdo165/SD-_Ana_Carrasco-1.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

I have heard a couple of interviews with promo girls since the announcement from F1 (and Darts) and they both said the same thing.

Basically that they are surprised the ban has not happened sooner but at the same time saying that as a promo girl they have a relatively short career and love what they do, they get to travel around a bit, see a few famous faces and are paid to look good.

Kelly Brook was on Loose Women apparently, talking about her time as one and she reckoned it was the best job she has ever had (probably because she didn't get sacked from it) and more importantly felt she was never taken advantage of or did it under any kind of pressure- they all work for agencies etc.

The world (or maybe just this Country?) has indeed gone Health and Safety, Political Correctness and Nanny State crazy!!

Motorcycles?? Nasty, dangerous, smelly things!! Ban them now!!!

Blah blah
02-02-2018, 02:12 PM
So, when are all the third rate 'reality' stars going to be stopped from taking selfies with nothing on and posting them on the internet for all and sundry to see?

Oh, it seems like that is something completely different as it apparently empowers the women taking these soft p*rn shots and is not just a way to get press coverage (of their dull lives) so that everyone talks about them, rather than the 'grid girls' just being a way for a sponsor to get press coverage so that every one talks about them...

02-02-2018, 02:20 PM
<a href="https://ibb.co/f4Bi66"><img src="https://preview.ibb.co/hcmGR6/A890_F563_439_A_4_C4_F_B91_E_6_BD3_C415_D12_A.jpg" alt="A890_F563_439_A_4_C4_F_B91_E_6_BD3_C415_D12_A" border="0"></a>

02-02-2018, 04:50 PM
From a slightly wider perspective, we all have assets (admittedly, mine are in very short supply) which we may or may not choose to take advantage of.

If a female happens to have a brilliant brain and chooses to become a surgeon, barrister or fund manager for example, that would rightfully be applauded.

If however a woman is exceptionally physically attractive (of course, she may well be blessed with exceptional intellect also) and chooses to take advantage of her physical appearance, that is regarded by some as less acceptable.

Why is the difference in attitudes?
Surely the important part is choice & free will rather than being forced or coerced unwillingly to do something that makes the person uncomfortable?

For my part, if a female dominated sport used scantily-clad males for adornment or promotion purposes I could not care less!

Some people (male & female) are as unattractive as their politics.

02-02-2018, 05:38 PM
This popped up on facebook, so I hope it is true lol but made for interesting reading.

Hannah James
31 January at 19:19 ·

Ok, I have had enough of people talking for me so here is what I think regarding the banning of grid girls:

The issue at the moment is there are too many people being offended on behalf of people who are not offended at all!

Firstly, I absolutely LOVE my job. Secondly, I CHOOSE to do this job. Nobody forces me or any other grid girl to do it. Some of us do it full time, some like me do it alongside other work. The idea that grid girls are no more than a pretty face infuriates me; I am about to finish my degree and qualify as a Social Worker, there are grid girls that are lawyers, accountants, models, mums, it varies so much!

We work hard to build up a good reputation and a good relationship with our clients. I work in British Superbikes and Road Racing where it feels like we are one big family; why should I be taken away from that because somebody who has never worked a day in my shoes thinks they know what is best for me?

With regards to the outfits being too sexy and us women being objectified; let me clarify something. I NEVER work a job unless I am happy with the outfit. When I do grid work I am always 100% comfortable with what I wear and I do not feel any more objectified wearing what I do on the grid than I do if I put on a nice dress or some smart jeans to go out. What will be next, will swimwear models be banned because what they are wearing in catalogues is too revealing?

As my friend and fellow grid girl Giorgia Davies said; this has all happened because some girls were treated disrespectfully at an event .. so how about instead of banning the girls to eradicate the problem, we educate men and women that it is NOT ok to disrespect other people!!

My final gripe with all of this, is these so called feminists are giving real feminists a bad name! I am a feminist because I want women to be equal, I don’t want there to be discrimination in the work place if women choose to have babies, and I want women to feel empowered. So to have a ‘feminist’ sit on a talk show saying how she thinks grid girls should be banned, thus meaning a loss of job and income for women is completely contradictory.

Sidenote – men work as promotional models too! But with regards to being on the grid, as the sport is predominantly males, they (usually) prefer to have a female holding their umbrella, although I have seen female riders with male grid guys!

A suggestion was made that women should be given jobs in other areas such as commentating or spannering .. for those of you who don’t know, this already happens!

On a positive note I am so glad to see all of us women affected standing together fighting this 💪🏼💕

#saveourgridgirls #womensrights

EDIT: Guys I really appreciate the support and all of the shares, but honestly, I just did a post because people were asking my opinion. I’ve done a few radio interviews and given my point of view, but that’s all I will say on the matter for now. I’m getting so many messages from journalists and notifications from Facebook and Twitter so I’m turning my notifications off 😊

Whilst I clearly am passionate about us girls keeping our jobs and I am glad our voices are being heard, I can’t help but think that it is a smaller problem in the grand scheme of things.

We still have issues with human trafficking, terrorism, the NHS, drugs, disease, homelessness, mental health, the list goes on. It would be amazing to see people raise awareness about these issues too 😊

On that note, please take a look at my amazing friend Sarah Roberts blog as she battles with breast cancer


Also, please check out ‘this is me coventry’ which is a charity that works with teenagers who are being bullied. This is run by my friend Harriett Harland

03-02-2018, 07:49 PM
Lauda had good point when he said 'a sport run by men telling women what they can and can't do! 'roll eyes'

04-02-2018, 06:10 AM
,my youngest daughter Katria is a model, actress , horse trainer ,teacher and show jumper black belt at taekwondo and is doing a degree in entrepreneurship and business , she thinks all the pC crap is stupid and regressive , she would love to do a few days at the races as a trolly dolly

04-02-2018, 08:49 AM
Doesn't surprise me tbh, just annoys me. Always great to see an attractive girl at a race track. Natural to have your head turned by 1. Just reminds me of the idiots who bought a house next a race track and then complained to the Council about the noise. Fc*k1n Idiots, this Nanny state went mad years ago.

04-02-2018, 04:21 PM
dont often like the drivelin The DM but this chaps got a good point


04-02-2018, 09:43 PM
dont often like the drivelin The DM but this chaps got a good point


Hate the DM and the editor of the JC is one of the worst hypocritical bigots in UK journolism!


07-02-2018, 05:39 PM
They are going to have GRID KIDS the pedo's will love that ,,, what a farce

07-02-2018, 08:44 PM
The Atlanta Braves cheerleaders.

Atlanta Braves are owned by Liberty Media. Lets see if cheer leaders fit with their 'brand values' come Mar 29!
