View Full Version : M750 & Yam TTR 250 Raid Anyone interested

25-01-2015, 03:46 PM
I'm looking at some major changes in my life and really need to slim my world down a little, revise a lot of stuff so .....


My 2000/1 carb model on an X plate

Engines getting noisy and overdue shimming, not surprising at 80K
Tail chopped with TPO tidy
Usual case paint chipping and flaking. Clutch sides OK repainted, generator side not so pretty.
Rear caliper rebuilt mid last year and actually works!! Includes a spare seals rebuild set.
Front calipers replaced mid last year
Needs a new battery, probably replace that in a week or so
Needs a pair of tyres, may or may not replace those.

Pretty much a years MOT

Starts and stops
Just needs some TLC

Anyone want to make a sensible offer around the 750 region?? Pound a CC just to move it

Oh and it's yellow if that helps LOL


Also a Yam 260 RAID on an L plate
Popular tough trail bike, engines been the same since the model was launched, these do sell quite well. Make a good play bike for gentle trail riding or a commuter for shorter trips when you want to keep the monster out of the cack
Unknown mileage
No speedo but has a micro GPS sppedo/logger
Has the usual sprag clunk but OK
Starter motor does the occasional non-spin up (cheap replacement as a common part)
New O ring chain and sprockets
New tyres with no use(!) Conti Escapes so road orientated
No MOT but should be OK .. maybe an advisory on pad wear.

£850 for anyone in UKMOC


I'll leave these up for grabs for a few weeks before putting them on evil bay etc at higher prices. I'd rather the Monster went to someone likely to be more ummm sympathetic than a run of the mill idiot who'll just trash it.

25-01-2015, 03:56 PM
Scrapps was looking for a monster

25-01-2015, 04:52 PM
I fancy a trail bike, got any pics?

25-01-2015, 05:10 PM
I'll stick one up later

25-01-2015, 07:51 PM
Hopefully pics of the TTR

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10599495_1534801493463299_4229230261004013479_n.jp g?oh=d9a0e10fc64c14a3f1c39d29e85851dd&oe=555C6187&__gda__=1433298360_5abed913dd216017fc2b14dbbbcb359 2

https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10402405_1534801516796630_7216709941968835718_n.jp g?oh=e489cf9e83d19979a11c90fe9d3c8093&oe=55297FF8

Bottom picture is from today

There is a good resource at http://www.ttr250.com/ . In the for sale section same spec in devon at 1000, its what they sell for as they are quit popular trail bikes. Not so pokey that you hurt yourself (too much) and not so sluggish that you hurt yourself (too much) LOL It's all a matter of degree!!
They work pretty well, not too bad at trails riding, quite handy for long distance trials.

25-01-2015, 09:08 PM
Great fun to ride. Very much like XT250 which are very nimble and good spurt of speed. Looks great for normal hack. Very 80/90s purple

25-01-2015, 09:21 PM
Yep very similar as far as the engine specs and outputs go Albie. The yams maybe pushed the off road styling a little more than the XTs but functionally they're both as good as each other I'd say.

18-02-2015, 09:44 AM
Looked around at current prices and I think that £850 for the TTR is probably about right.

Anyone interested??