View Full Version : S4 brings out the angry in Alfa driver. :0(

09-03-2013, 01:02 PM
I've owned two M600's, and have recently bought an S4...... what a machine!! :thumbsup:
I've only ridden it a few times, and my face aches from grinning every time.
I can't get over how much quicker it is, and it just keeps pulling!

I crept up to some lights earlier between the cars, and just blipped it to clear the front car and pulled back in, but matey in the Alfa thought it was race time and........well, I just had to didn't I.
Only he kept on, and on, round the next roundabout, and the next before turning off and away.....angry faced and gripping the wheel. :thumbsdown:

There's no way I'll ever do the bike justice with my paltry skills, but no
less than the average Ferrari owner I hope.
I shall have to be careful on this one though, I could easily get into lots of troubles..........:look:

09-03-2013, 01:35 PM
I try not to get drawn in to such traffic light drag races these days....though occaisionally it does get the better of me.
I remember an incident with a lotus elan some years ago.
My 500 honda out-dragged it over about a quarter mile, but I did then have to take a left turn once I'd got my nose in front, which probably didn't go down too well with the elan driver.
Had a similar incident on the Z1 when I gave it the full beans when the lights changed but wet roads and cold tyres meant that the rear wheel just span up while the bike hardly moved forward at all. I eventually worked out why I wasn't moving though, and throttled back until the tyre gripped.

09-03-2013, 03:11 PM
There's no way I'll ever do the bike justice with my paltry skills, but no
less than the average Ferrari owner I hope.
I shall have to be careful on this one though, I could easily get into lots of troubles..........:look:

My thoughts exactly, about me n my bike, yet to find out though.

lol at your signature mrtony :spin:

09-03-2013, 03:22 PM
The blade(s) both the full size and even the baby 400 were quite good at that, the big one was just way more effective. vooom ... gone
The 750's not quite so good but does quite nicely, it's better on more sinuous roads lacking the raw stupid power output but it's more fun.

09-03-2013, 06:41 PM
Being a S4 owner, I can only smile and nod as I read your post.
I had a 'dust up' with a R1 a couple of years ago, on the local bypass. Watching the guy riding said R1, trying to pull away between roundabouts, was fun! It wasn't until we where doing very naughty speeds that he started to pull away! As for handling, tucking up under him as we went through the roundabouts was a giggle!!

10-03-2013, 11:44 AM
Yes S4 has that effect on me too ,,, sometimes a mad mist come over me when I ride it , a PC3 and other mods and custom maps help the power up to 117hp now