View Full Version : Just do it - with Rosso

30-01-2013, 08:29 PM
After getting used to my bike's running getting worse and riding round its wee foibles, not wanting to start, popping and banging, wanting to stall, etc. and trying stupid little things to 'fix' it I finally gave in and gave it to Ray at Rosso Corse to look at. As some of you may know I'm there a lot but don't do much to my bike except wipe it with a rag every now and then, stupid really. Anyway, valves, belts and balancing of carbs and it runs like it should and is a joy to ride now instead of a bit of a chore.

So if you are just putting up with things like I was, I say "don't". Bikes should be a joy and be looked after, by professionals if you don't know how (like me).

You're worth it.

(As are Ray & Marcus)

30-01-2013, 09:50 PM
Sound advice if you're like me. I can change oil and plugs and sort small issues but when the bike says 'help me', give it to someone who knows... G-Tec and Ducati Coventry fall into the same category as Rosso Corse by the sound of it.

31-01-2013, 09:38 AM
Same here, I had my battery go on the way to work on Tuesday, took it to Rosso Corse, got them to add some progressive fork springs and a 14 tooth front sprocket which I'd been putting off for months, the bike looked like crap when I took it in, its now running absolutlely amazing, top service as ever, feels like a new bike, a much much better one and its gleaming, I'm well happy, can't wait for some decent weather now. So I agree don't put things off forever.