View Full Version : Duplicate key cutting - London

31-01-2012, 08:31 PM
Does anyone know where I can get a key cut?

I've got a blank from Ducati to get cut, then MotoRapido are going to program it for me.

I went to my local and fairly large place 'Franchi' on Holloway Rd today only to be informed that they can't do it. They can do car keys but not bike keys... something to do with the program for the machine they use :scratch:

They've done/sent off special keys for me in the past so I'm struggling to think of someone else who will be able to do this one instead. They didn't know either.

Anyone know of somewhere?


31-01-2012, 09:04 PM
I was just looking, what is it with all this give us the correct key code or 'it might throw our computor out' ... There was I thinking that all you needed to do was make a straight copy, don't need a computor for that, a dremel or file or two would do as well

31-01-2012, 09:09 PM

Any good Bex

31-01-2012, 09:11 PM
There is a specialist bike key cutter in Surrey as well if you need the details. We use them for ATV keys at work so will have the number there. Let me know if you need it.

01-02-2012, 03:21 PM
Rally... ping me over the details.

Duncan, called those guys and they said they can't do it for the new models. 'Dealer only' they said. Doh!

Though I just spoke to MotoRapido and they said that all sounds very odd.... hmm.

01-02-2012, 04:24 PM
I can't vouch for new models cause mine is an '04 620 but on these coded keys I managed to get one cut and coded for £6 down at the Bank tube station in the city. Couldn't believe it!


01-02-2012, 04:56 PM
new ducati keys are a bit different (flat straight sides) and need a specialist tool

01-02-2012, 08:09 PM
Local guy puts one in a clamp, other in a clamp .... grindy grindy copies one edge, flip over in the vice things that keep the centres matched and grindy grindy .. new cut key.
Old school but does the biz