View Full Version : Dog $hit

06-11-2010, 10:33 PM
or in reality (thank god for small mercies) dog pi$s

let me elaborate

well its that time of year (November and more specifically November the 5th) bonfire night

not only is it only 5 days after the commercialised $hite that is Halloween (pardon me if you have children and are for want of a better expression 'into social children events' (that sounds sooo wrong)) , (part of me wishes I had answered the door butt naked etc etc umm maybe not)

but we (the Clark and I) have The dog (more like her Dog ( or even better than that, her Mam's Dog :freak: ) this is part of some bizarre agreement between the Clark and her mam where the Clark pays her mam to have the Dog for the weekend :dizzy:

sigh , I have to admit that the Dog is hard done to here, doesn't get the exercise during the week with the Clark's Mam and rarely gets any (exercise you dirty minded lot) on the weekend with us after a week at work and other interests / commitments.

Anyway onto the 'delight' of the evening.

Today is the 6th the day after bonfire night and you might have though at least with the 5th falling on a Friday that the majority of the festivities would have occurred on the Friday night. Sadly not and there was a multitude of fireworks let off in the near vicinity. and here in lies the major flaw of our evening, we left the dog in the house and went to do some 'quick' jobs at my flat and return before dark to dope the dog and have tea etc.

2 hours after dark and 3 shops later return home and guess what the dog has been scared $hit less (not literally but nearly) and is cowering in the bathroom ( I like to think its because there's no windows, it could just be some wired dog fetish I don't know)

Anyway having returned home the Dog creeps out and gives that look where you know, that they know, that you know, they have done something bad. And low and behold Dog has retreated to somewhere 'safe and comforting' and pi$$ed itself.

'Lucky' me that would be my bed, and on a science defying scale the amount of **** that came out of the dog is unreal, it must have 'let go' gone for a drink and come back and had another session.

sooo tonight looks like were on the spare bed, which is spare for a reason its rubbish, cunning plan is to have one of everything in the cocktail cabinet (aka Ikea shoe cupboard)
the Clark is winning she's passed out already :grump:

06-11-2010, 10:43 PM
Know I shouldn't, but I laughed, sorry! :) Very well written Scotty, I can feel your pain mate!

Now get to the cabinet and have a drink man:booze:

07-11-2010, 04:18 AM
Liked the cunning plan.
After that, I hope you went and pi$$ed in the dog basket.

07-11-2010, 06:38 AM
well its that time of year (November and more specifically November the 5th) bonfire night

I get a little tired of polical correctness

It used to be called guy fawkes night and it was a celebration of the last person to enter parliament with honest intentions

That aside its a shame some of the loud element of the foreworks can't be engineered out of the displays so that they are more visual to ease the distress it causes animals

07-11-2010, 07:33 AM
Get some Serenum and start the dog on it a couple of days before the 5th... works wonders.

07-11-2010, 07:39 AM
My Staffie is ten years old now, so he's pretty much used to it all, although in the early days he did have a couple of accidents.

G ; )

07-11-2010, 07:56 AM
This has been Holly's first and she hasn't really bothered about it thankfully, we only used a little Serenum on Friday night and that's been it.

A lot has to do with how people treat their dogs around loud noises. If early on the dog is made a fuss of when they get scared, then it reinforces that behaviour. Best thing to do is simply ignore the dog and carry on with whatever it is your doing. As the dog looks to the pack for it's lead and sees no one is bothered then it learns not be scared.

07-11-2010, 08:20 AM
our lab didnt bother, thinking he slept through the lot, but....... we did stay in just in case :biggrin:

07-11-2010, 08:52 AM
Think it helped Holly met the Monster in the garage not long after getting her! :) The downside being she doesn't change her behaviour for raised voices.... stubborn little *******

07-11-2010, 10:05 AM
Nicely written Scotty - made me grin (sorry).

Bring the little puppy over here - we're back into the hunting season and every weekend is like November 5th with plenty of bangs etc. it'll soon get used to the noise.

07-11-2010, 12:09 PM
My Lab-Retriever, started looking for the falling pheasants at the first lot of bangs! D*ck of a dog!

Scotty that is funny as hell mate!


07-11-2010, 04:37 PM
I feel your pain hon, got home from London at 2am a while back and found that my daughters cat had crapped and p'd on our bed, and it wasn't even fireworks night although there were plenty of fireworks when daughter came home I can tell you! Needless to say the cat is no longer with us, I would have happily shot it after that but it was rehomed instead. As for our Lab she spent the night backwards and forwards looking for dead game and she's never been shooting. Hope everything dries out ok. I'm afraid I did have a chuckle though.

08-11-2010, 12:00 AM
lol... yes I had the same my ex's Burmese cat decided peeing on things was fun...
I didn't see the fun side of it .. it stank.

The last laugh was the same as you Sarah when he got in bed and the cat had peed all in the bed... I was so not happy until I noted the cat had not peed on my side! :)
He was not finding it so funny when I also commented "ohhh not on my side bonus!". in a sarky voice.

Nor was having to buy a new mattress fun on the pocket.
That never happened again.. and how happy was I to sleep on the sofa ... seriously I was so happy! :)

I won't be ever owning a cat again out of choice .. don't hate them but after 10 years of one peeing and one howling at everything anything and at 2am , 3am . 5am...
I am so pro dogs!!!
He was terrified of dogs so a compromise was 2 burmese cats for him ... never ever again...
He still has the howling one...at 2am 3am 4am....

08-11-2010, 02:45 AM
Took the Lab to the bonfire and fireworks display. The noise doesn't bother him and he sits and watches the rockets going up. Being a Lab though, his main interest is anything going gash from the Burger Van! As for posting this at silly'o clock, it's a case of gale induced insomnia up here in the Highlands. I've everthing crossed atm and hoping the best for my roof and trees around the house...

08-11-2010, 07:43 AM
Greyhound doesnt even register the bangs - he's not the brightest. My old Ridgeback was born on bonfire night and nothing helped, one night we left her alone (not bonfire night but someone decided to have fireworks) she tried to get in our bedroom and scraped on the door until her paws bled.

My cats just hide in the airing cover or, as I've just noticed, under the bike cover. Nice muddy paws on the seat Saturday

08-11-2010, 08:45 AM
Took the Lab to the bonfire and fireworks display. The noise doesn't bother him and he sits and watches the rockets going up. Being a Lab though, his main interest is anything going gash from the Burger Van! As for posting this at silly'o clock, it's a case of gale induced insomnia up here in the Highlands. I've everthing crossed atm and hoping the best for my roof and trees around the house...

Labs are notorious scroungers and will do anything for food! My old one put her feet in a barbeque to nick a leg of lamb. I was gutted, I'd marinaded lamb in a yoghurt mixture for 24 hours and got it just right on the barby all tender and juicy and falling off the bone then had to pop to shop leaving ex hubby in charge, came back to no lamb and a dog with singed feet.:hissy:
Hope you've not suffered damage, it gets a bit rafty here as were stuck out into the North sea in Norfolk so anything blasting across from the north or east gets us. I hate it, lying awake with the chimneys thundering.

08-11-2010, 11:46 AM
I bought my six month old some ear defenders which worked a treat, seeing as he fell asleep and didn't watch one firework go off.

If I manufactured ear defenders for animals, would anybody buy them? :)

09-11-2010, 08:01 PM
Well I live about half a mile from West Midlands Safari Park & Saturday they had a bonfire & fireworks it was like world war three:eek: I can't imagine what the animals were going through,it was shaking the windows in my house.