View Full Version : Well chuffed and a bit choked up

27-06-2010, 09:02 PM
I wanted to share this with you guys....

As some of you know I'm Admin on a French bike forum (MotoLeMans.com) which we created last September. We've grown steadily and now have over 900 members which isn't bad considering that it's aimed at local bikers around Le Mans.

Today was the culmination of several months of trying to organise our first charity ride. The charity chosen was a local 5 year old boy with cerebral palsy who loves motorbikes. He needs to go to Italy and then the US for treatment and the French system only pays some of the costs - his family are not rich, just hard working honest folk trying to get by.

Anyway the result was 194 bikes present and we raised 2300 euros for the little lad. We had a salute of honour from the local fire brigade and both the little lads parents broke down in tears when asked to say something. Not a massive amount of money and I know 194 bikes isn't a record breaker but it was a great day, truly emotional and we're already planning another for a different charity next year (last Sunday in June - in case any of you guys are over here on your hols).

Here's a couple of photos - we had a least 6 Monnies present.




I liked this one lots :mand:

chris yeatman
27-06-2010, 09:07 PM
good for u buddy, well done.

27-06-2010, 09:35 PM
Nice one Tony.
We had a similar one a few years ago on Anglesey, for a lass with the same illness.
It's always a good feeling when things like this turn out well, big, beefy bikers with tears in their eyes, it shows the public that we do have feelings as well.


G ; ) :thumbsup:

27-06-2010, 09:45 PM
Well done you....
I work at a special needs school ...
Some families really struggle and a lot of equipment is so much money.

A friend of mine a huge big biker came as was father Christmas at our school he's huggge!! But the kids loved him :) and he loved doing it.

27-06-2010, 09:54 PM
I got a real buzz from today and yes I will admit that I had a couple of tears in my eyes when the little chap's grandad broke down - I think everyone present was much the same.

We stopped to refuel at Montoire and several of the residents came out to see what it was all about - they ended up kindly refilling our drink bottles (it was 37 degrees here today) and even made a donation - everyone we came across today was so friendly and pleased to see us.

I'm dreaming big and hoping to install a "real" annual charity run as at present there isn't one around Le Mans which is a shame as it's supposed to be France's Biker Capital - watch this space....I'm on a mission :mand:

gary tompkins
27-06-2010, 11:31 PM
Nice one

I always enjoyed the charity work I did with NABD for the same reasons

28-06-2010, 03:57 PM
What a great inspiring story, well done. Perhaps UKMOC could do an annual charity event over here?

28-06-2010, 04:02 PM
That's really something! Well done you, something we all should aspire more to do is give a little more of a **** about other people (Nice deserving people that is, not the general unwashed)!

Seriously though, really touching to read about, well done!

28-06-2010, 04:24 PM
Im well pleased for you tony and you should be applauded. So nice to hear the stories that do good for helping others especially if they are only just in their younger years.

I raise my hat to you sir and all the good folk that turned up.:biggrin:

28-06-2010, 04:37 PM
as Peter Kay would say:

"Top Bombing"

28-06-2010, 04:53 PM
Well done you! It does make you feel all warm inside when you do stuff like that. Clive started the Darkside V Max forum and last year they built a trike for one of the members who had been badly mauled in a nasty accident. They got people to donate bits on the understanding we'd raise the cash to pay for them and got people to build it and they got it built in time so that Mick could ride to the weekend rally on it and we raised enough money at the rally to pay for the donated bits plus some extra cash for other things. It choked up quite a few people to see Mick ride in with the biggest grin ever. There are some good people out there prepared to help those less fortunate and it's so satisfying to get them together and be able to give a little bit back.

28-06-2010, 07:21 PM
Well done :thumbsup:
Great pics too

28-06-2010, 08:02 PM
Well done you! It does make you feel all warm inside when you do stuff like that. Clive started the Darkside V Max forum and last year they built a trike for one of the members who had been badly mauled in a nasty accident. They got people to donate bits on the understanding we'd raise the cash to pay for them and got people to build it and they got it built in time so that Mick could ride to the weekend rally on it and we raised enough money at the rally to pay for the donated bits plus some extra cash for other things. It choked up quite a few people to see Mick ride in with the biggest grin ever. There are some good people out there prepared to help those less fortunate and it's so satisfying to get them together and be able to give a little bit back.

Thats another great story. Thanks for sharing it.:biggrin:

28-06-2010, 08:51 PM
its nice to read how people help others, judging by the photos, it looks like a much deserved cause, well done!
Hope the young lad does ok and gets his treatment