View Full Version : Ultra Seal

09-06-2010, 05:52 PM
I not long ago had some diablo's put on my bike hardly worn them and a roofers nail found the back tyre... :(

When I had my new tyres put on I had Ultra Seal popped in at the bike shop.

The air came out of the tyre when the nail was pulled out , then the seal kicked in and when re inflated it has held.

My usual garage who repaired my little bikes tyres last week said not touching the tyre, buy a new one some British Standard rule now that you can no longer plug or repair them.

I then thought il ring as refresh my brain about the stuff in my tyres.
The bike shop that fitted my tyres said Ultra Seal is not a get you home product and you don't need to bin your tyre.. or buy a new one its not a temp fix and you can ride at speed.
Its done its job by sealing the tyre and its held so don't panic ride as normal.
Is a different product to Slime and the inflating foams which are temp to get you to safety.

They said Slime is a get you home fix .. Ultra seal is a punture sealant and works for the life of the tyre.He said he has used it for ages and had no problems or comebacks on it.

Just wondered if any one else has used Ultra seal?

I know I am going to be ticked off and told to buy a new tyre... :(
the diablos still have bobbles on them they are so unused ...

I am so fed up two bikes with puntures in two weeks is a joke!

Has anyone else used this product ?
I am quite a slow rider and won't be doing trackdays ... not yet lol

09-06-2010, 07:37 PM
I plug my own and use um till they are shagged ,, damn ealth and safty rules they just want u to buy new tyres.

Blah blah
09-06-2010, 07:40 PM
My rear has got 2 plugs in at the moment, and the plugs are wearing down quite nicely now !!

09-06-2010, 07:58 PM
I usually stick ultraseal in and it does bung up some big holes. Its supposed to be a permanent fix so I don't see any problems keeping on running on the tyres. I think its the post office that uses this stuff, our local postie says they just pull out the pointy bit and drive off.
I had one tyre it didn't plug but that was a big hole but the tyre still went down really slowly and didn't dump me on the road.

Sods law kicked in the other day and my rear diablo didn't have any in when it picked up a bit of a drill bit. That's got a plug in now and again I'll rag that till it needs to be changed. Don't trust them a much as the goop though

09-06-2010, 08:07 PM
I remember my father always used to get the car tyres plugged when they had a puncture. They effectively melted the patch into the hole and around it, you'd have had to hack it out to move it so it was as permanent as the tyre.
I imagine there were some badly done repairs that failed or were on a bigger hole than they should have touched so in came the 'can't fix it' mantra. I'd imagine that the tyre manufacturers thought for a few seconds before they came down on the side of safety and the sale of a new tyre. Or is it the new tyre and safety?

09-06-2010, 08:25 PM
Slime is not a get you home kind of product. It's a permanent fix, and will continue to fill other punctures after sealing the original one too. I put it in to a tyre which had done 1000 miles to plug a hole. I did track days on that tyre, and hit 120 mph with no problems.

09-06-2010, 08:50 PM
I plug my own and use um till they are shagged ,, damn ealth and safty rules they just want u to buy new tyres.


I carry a plug kit with me to fix punctures on the road... fine for nails etc, bigger holes maybe a bit more difficult to fix.

09-06-2010, 10:54 PM
HCat Rode back from Le-Harve to Cardiff on a rear tyre with Sun glinting in the daylight - i.e. shagged in france with metal sticking out the rubber, but made it back 130 odd miles with no problem. Plug it, it may not give you the total mileage promised but you will get some use out of it.

09-06-2010, 11:17 PM
Thanks :0)
Im going to trust the blue gunky stuff...
The tyre is still inflated so sealed.

I used tyre weld foam in a can on my other bike 2 weeks ago it lasted 6 miles before splatting everywhere on a dual carriage way I managed to control the little bike and limp to safety.
The garage I rang today to fix my tyre funnily enough fixed that cheapy tyre for me no quibbles.
I said shall I chuck new tyres on it?
The chap said no way these have so much tread on them ..
Yet his workmate said no to my diablo... hmmmm.....

kerching ... I think..
It seems to be this one guy as I had a bit of a grumble with him over an MOT ...
The other chaps have fixed stuff for me bless them..I try and get the same chap to MOT my cars as he is a sweetie.. and likes my little old car.

Il be brave for once .
Thanks I really expected to get ticked off... and like I said told to buy a new tyre..

10-06-2010, 06:29 AM
I have used Ultra Seal for years, it's a brilliant product & as far as I know it's a "seal as you go product" no need to have the tyre repaired if you get a nail in it, just pull it out & if it seals just check the tyre pressure & keep riding.
I only use it in the rear tyre, cos for some reason that's where I always get a punchure, mind you, I don't think I would trust it in the front tyre.

10-06-2010, 06:52 AM
I put Ultraseal in a rear tyre when stranded on a Sunday 10 miles from John O Groats. I rode it back to Wiltshire no problem, decided it was a good job and left it in to tour around the Alps, France and Spain. It stayed in for a total of about 5000 miles before the tyre was worn out.

10-06-2010, 09:20 AM
Taking the multistoodle in for a puncture repair today (nail in front tyre) I have been chatting to HC about ultraseal and will ask if they can do this.
I will prob get it done at a later date when I need new tryes on the monster and the multi unless it can be added without removing the tyres ?

10-06-2010, 09:57 AM
I will prob get it done at a later date when I need new tryes on the monster and the multi unless it can be added without removing the tyres ?

Rich, It can be if you remove the valve and feed it slowly into the hole with the tube supplied. Then reinflate the tyre.

10-06-2010, 10:40 AM
Its worth a go..
I know next time I have tyres il have it put in again.
Hardly anywhere here now does bike tyres now.

There seems to be so much old toot laying about in the roads at the moment.. and 2 nails in 2 weeks is stupid!!
I may get them to do my little bike as well.
Like I say thanks for the info I feel better now and will check my tyres still up.
There is a soft indent only small where the nail went in but you can see the ultra seal has squished out and done its job.

10-06-2010, 11:38 AM
I've Ultra Seal before, it was good for nails, but completely failed with an irregular hole and covered the bike in blue gunk. Now use a plug kit instead. On another point i felt that the handling wasn't as good with the extra un-sprung weight.

10-06-2010, 12:48 PM
Nice.. lucky the blue gunk is sposed to wash off easy with water .
It says it only works on stuff up to 6mm....
So I guess if you get a bad blow out you get a bad one and just hope you can handle the situation.
Looks like nobody will repair tyres here..
I wouldn't trust myself to do it .... id end up with nobbly tyres knowing me.

10-06-2010, 02:10 PM
Mmm just had my tyre repaired at local tyre centre no problem.
I will look into what would be best to pop in the topbox to help me if i get a puncture while on a long ride out.

10-06-2010, 09:54 PM
Funny that I was told that it is now illegal to repair tyres with plugs due to new BS regs...
I thought at the time what a load of tripe.

Did you have a plug put in??