View Full Version : heartless car drivers

08-09-2009, 09:38 PM
sorry some motorists are heartless...
if you hit a pet cat or dog would you pull over..??
I hit a rabbit and felt it .. even stopped to check it was a rabbit and was dead I felt terrible.

I saw a staffy get hit once driver drove on... i managed to wrap the dog in my leather and get it to the kerb.. nobody even stopped..found its owner..

I know i think because cats roam you don't have to....but at least stop.... id love to thanks the bastard that just hit my old cat..... luckily she is a burmese so well known.. someone legged it up the road... driver hit her and drove off...charming..

08-09-2009, 09:47 PM
Id pull over if i hit a Dog, but not a cat, unless it was still moving and i had to finish it off! Rabbits and most other vermin are fair game!


08-09-2009, 10:55 PM

no when its someone's pet im afraid its different...
I am a dog person..
I used to kennel maid..
I would not own a cat out of choice again...im actually allergic to most of them.

But if its a family pet be it a cat or dog .. id stop because because someone loves it...

If anyone had run over or hurt my dog and not stopped id be out with a shotgun!
Yeah cats get hit they know not the green cross code...but i am not a heartless bint...
and i actually recall the day when i collected the savage ball of wailing fluff....
maybe im soft ... but id never hurt an animal.... lowest of the low to hurt animals or kids as far as I am concerned...:worried:..

09-09-2009, 01:11 AM
yes talking of Yorkshire..... right.. I want this settled once and for all...

I say that Hull is not proper Yorkshire... its pretend Yorkshire.... is Humberside.... and token Yorkshire.

My mate in Scarborough says its Gully land and pretend Yorkshire as well... as do lads in Leeds.we all say its fake Yorkshire...

I had a row with a Hully..... he says Hull is gods country... and East Yorkshire is the centre of the universe... we say rubbish!!!...you live in pretend Yorkshire mate..

So as a Yorkshireman can you settle this argument... ??? Only a Yorkshireman would know.:booze:

09-09-2009, 06:20 AM
And he lives in Ipswich too!

That's pretend Norfolk that is.

09-09-2009, 06:22 AM
'North Humberside' was East Yorkshire, 'South Humberside' was North Lincolnshire.
(The government messed with the boundaries and created Humberside to get more votes)
Although it's changed back now

If any part of Yorkshire is 'fake' it's South Yorkshire since Danelaw was divided into Ridings (thirds): North, West and East.

I used to live in Scarborough and can safely say Hull is a spelling mistake, it's an E not a U!

09-09-2009, 06:28 AM
Not long after I passed my car test I hit an owl! I loved birds of prey too, thing just flew out of a hedge late one night and caught my wing mirror. Stopped and reversed to make sure the poor thing was dead...

There's a little short cut I take to the motorways when I leave for a customer early (4-5am) and there's often dozens of rabbits around, and stupid wood doves. Think they are learning to get out of the way now!

I did once see a dog literally get launched outside a cinema in Liverpool years ago. Was at some traffic lights on the East Lancs, I ran over and the dog was in a right state, still alive, and then the owner comes running over with the lead in his hands.... I felt sorry for the driver not the owner if I'm honest.

09-09-2009, 07:19 AM
If any part of Yorkshire is 'fake' it's South Yorkshire since Danelaw was divided into Ridings (thirds): North, West and East.

South Yorkshire has never claimed to be the South Riding. It's part of the West Riding. South Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, and the others are later boundary divisions. Hull is not Yorkshire. It wants to be, so that it can try to establish some kind of identity for itself. It's a depressing, sad little town and Yorkshire doesn't want it.:running:

Black Bob
09-09-2009, 07:32 AM
sorry some motorists are heartless...
if you hit a pet cat or dog would you pull over..??

Maybe not always heartless.... sometimes it is fear, or ignorance - just plain not knowing what to do. I'm dreading the day that I encounter a deer head on, or a dog... what to do if it is only half dead? What is the kindest thing to do? What number to ring? etc. etc.

Thankfully it has only happen to me once in a car... way back in my teens.. we were doing about 30 - 35, and a dog - let's call him Rover - just ran out. Father hit the brakes but we still ploughed into the dog.

Rover just bounced off, got up, looked at us disgustedly, and carried on going wherever he was going.

We were driving a Renault 4 - it was almost written off.

09-09-2009, 07:42 AM

09-09-2009, 07:52 AM
A large majority of Cumbria used to be Yorkshire at one point, i still have friends that will travel to Leeds to have children so they keep the Yorkshire link.

Yorkshire is god's country, it is the propper side of the pennines, and a proud county, proud enough for people to fly the county flag outside homes and work establishments!

Another thing I do like to see is the amount of Churches that fly the George Cross, its just right and propper! More places should do it.


Black Bob
09-09-2009, 07:54 AM
id love to thanks the bastard that just hit my old cat..... luckily she is a burmese so well known.. someone legged it up the road... driver hit her and drove off...charming..

Sorry to hear that, by the way. She OK or not?

09-09-2009, 09:51 AM
I think I'd stop if I hit a dog or cat, but not sure what I'd do?

It's wrong to put any blame on drivers though - dogs and cats shouldn't be roaming the streets by themselves full stop, they could easily kill a motorcyclist or family in a car if they swerved to avoid

Captain Caveman
09-09-2009, 10:08 AM
never mind cats or dogs, quite a few them would drive off after hitting a motorcyclist if they thought they get away with it...
they'll certainly lie after the fact even if they do get forced to stop...
(speaking from experience)

09-09-2009, 10:27 AM
I hit a cat on the way to work one morning and it legged it with me in hot pursuit and I couldn't find it, I felt awful, got to the office and the boss said "what's up, you look like the cat's died" at which point I burst into tears. As for deer, we have reds around here which will right off your car with no probs, and muntjjac which can cause a fair bit of damage. One was hit by a van in front of us but he drove off, we stopped and slung it in the back of the landy it was dead so it got dealt with and put in the freezer, they make really good eating!

09-09-2009, 01:44 PM
Firstly thanks... no she's not good but a broken back has been ruled out.. she has serious internal injuries... she is tiny .. everyone says look at the kitten.. hence her name Mini... .

Sorry know its only a cat.. and I am aware lot's of people hate cats.. but its a pet.
Im a dog gal..love them.
sounds crap but that could be some old lady's companion all she has... or kids pet.. try telling a child sorry your pet had died... I work with children .. and some come in in a horrendous state when a pet dies.... We then deal with them..not nice yes its life.. but try explaining to a child.... often they cope less then when a person dies.

I sat in the road with a staff.. was told youl get hit.... or it will bite you...like id leave a dog in the road... he couldn't move and i wrapped him in my leather... he didnt bite me.

I just see the wider picture thats all.... and work with the aftermath..is the way I think..

09-09-2009, 01:57 PM
"Hull is not Yorkshire. It wants to be, so that it can try to establish some kind of identity for itself. It's a depressing, sad little town and Yorkshire doesn't want it."

rolls on floor laffing!!!!...and punching the air!!

thats just made my day!!!!!....

and they call it Ull there's no H... and yeah its spelt Hell...
If Hull is god's country .. he made it out of all the bits he was gonna throw away and squished em all together .. and said Il call this..Hell... hmm maybe not no bugger will live here... Hull will do!!.

if I ever turn on T.V .. tonight its Police Camera action.... we are in Hull... everytime ive stumbled on that dire program ..tonight we are in Hull...lol...

Me they just call me a softy southerner... and laugh at my accent..... which is cockney??? they used to ring me to get me to say things then laff at my voice!!!..lol.. bless

09-09-2009, 02:01 PM
Make sure you carry some cardboard and pens with you should you run into a cat/dog/wabbit.


09-09-2009, 02:19 PM
hey... thats a bit harsh...cheers...

As a country we are scared of our flag... people get told to take them down.
Im sorry its criminal.... You can't even be proud to be English?? Fly your flag and your racist ..or some rubbish.. for such a gallant little Island that won world wars and fight other peoples wars... why are we now so afraid to be proud!!
it's dire... makes me cower to be a Brit..

Finland and Sweden you fly your flag!! If you have a flagpole you get up raise the flag then have to put it down by a certain time..its folded carefully and respected.
Households do this.. drive through villages and the country's flags flutter!!
they are so proud of their country..everywhere you go flags..it was certainly eye opening.

When I was a military dependent at 9 in the morning and 5pm a siren would sound.
the whole base had to go silent at 9 the flag was raised and you either saluted or observed in silence.
5pm same again siren sounds and national anthem was played and the whole base stopped .. everbody stopped and observed this... even people working on base.. you would'nt dare talk or walk off if you did
I think the MP would have something to say. Say what you like ... it was done.

councils are the worst.... how sick is it I bet if I was to put a flag pole up like they did in Sweden / Finland id be deemed a nutter... or come home to find my windows smashed in...
Don't know what's happened to the proud land of my grandfathers... disgrace... if we went to war again on a world wide scale watch this country empty.... suddenly no body would want to live here!!..theyd all leg it...

09-09-2009, 03:10 PM
It's wrong to put any blame on drivers though - dogs and cats shouldn't be roaming the streets by themselves full stop, they could easily kill a motorcyclist or family in a car if they swerved to avoid

for once, hes right, who lets there dog run around off its lead????

not me, sometimes i'd like to run my own dog over......but not on the bike

09-09-2009, 03:13 PM
for once, hes right, who lets there dog run around off its lead????

not me, sometimes i'd like to run my own dog over......but not on the bike

er...for once?!?!?!

how dare you!! :)

09-09-2009, 03:14 PM
I have (Not deliberatley) killed / murdered two cats whilst on my Monster, and apart from leaving a little goo and fur on my headers and swingarm it wasnt that bad for me! (The cats were confirmed kills though!!)


09-09-2009, 03:16 PM
er...for once?!?!?!

how dare you!! :)

couldnt resist :mand::running:

09-09-2009, 03:19 PM
Ever had some total tool, slam their brakes on in front of you for a rabbit / pheasant? Its a matter of prioritising i saved a rabbit but had an 18 wheeler kill my kids as it ploughed into the back of the car!

Any way look at the amount of non domestic animals sleeping at the side of the road, its just life. (Death)


09-09-2009, 03:26 PM
Not had the misfortune to kill anything on the Monnie (yet!), although in the 80's i did run over a jack russel, the hairy ones, not the short haired ones.
Tootling along on my 750 Bonneville, saw said doggie dash out from the kerb, closed my eyes (like you do), felt a bump on the front wheel but nothing at the rear.
Turned to look behind, nothing...then the back-end lifted a touch and the dog was spinning around on it's back, sliding up the road...a break-dancing jack russel?
Seem the poor canine got legged up under the bike (check me oil while yer down there please)!
As far as i know, the dog was ok, not as ok as me you understand but nonetheless ok enough to leg it down a side street.

G : )

09-09-2009, 04:02 PM
things get hit... cats are a poxy nuisance .. they run out , and no dogs should not be left to roam the streets..but sometimes they get out..
the cat is not bright .. you have a cat and yes they get hit... and I hate nexts doors cat as it constantly tries to kill my rabbit..and craps in my garden..jars me right off!!

would i swerve to avoid an animal and endanger peoples lifes probably not although reflex's do what they like sometimes... no I wouldn't endanger the life of someone to avoid a rabbit..or whatever... wasn't the drivers fault the cat ran out.

however I would stop and check on a pet.. end of... cause Im a wimp so what... I can live with that..
Just waiting to see the interesting £100's of pounds vet bill now... but thats what you get when you own a pet..part of it... im going round to nail up catflap! and thats that.

09-09-2009, 04:12 PM
Hope Mini is ok, I have lost babies, most of my close relations but the only time I've passed out was when my Tonkinese cat got killed outside our house. Bearing in mind it was a tiny road with few houses further up so not much traffic and whoever did it must have known it was my cat, I was devastated, admittedly I had baby blues then the next Siamese cross cat got run over but came home with a broken tail and it turned out internal injuries so became incontinent and had to be put down and that was just as bad. My mum gave me a moggy which I couldn't get on with and she survived and moved to the next house. She went to my aunts farm because we just didn't gel but her son was a sweety. Then I got a tabby and he got killed on our equally small road and so did the next two tabbies. Now I've got four, three black and one tabby and I get really worried when they don't come home. One of the black ones got hit on our drive and we pretty much know who did it, he just cost a small fortune in vets bills. His jaw was pretty much ripped off and the vet put him back together and you can't see the damage at all. I suggested the vet became a plastic surgeon as he's done a brill job. I'm a total softy as anyone who read the ferret thread will realise and I do try to avoid hitting anything, obviously if it's animal or oncoming traffic there isn't a choice. Think the most traumatic hit was my mums horse getting hit when I was about 8. A guy from our village flew past us towing a trailer and was so close the trailer hit Shans back legs and knocked her flying. We got her home and nursed her for weeks but she had to be put down, she'd done damage to her back she was a fantastic long distance horse and hunter. The police did nothing and the driver showed no remorse whatsoever. My pony pined for months because they'd been really close.

09-09-2009, 04:25 PM
im sorry to hear that..... the one cat I do really love (im a dog girl) is Fenton my mates Siamese because he is so aloof and funny.. cat with cattitude!!

someone hit a horse???.... I used to ride love em...

Id have petrol bombed his car!.. through idiotic driving that..ignorance!
even when on my bike I always slow down for horses... been over the top of enough when I started riding..
(backs to bad now :( )...

I may be short in stature but my folks are celts and even though I was born in London I have the fiery blood running through me...dont loose it often but if I do .. run ..run bloody fast...(used to box as well..).. lol.... little woman sydrome..lol

id have found out who did it.... you slow for horses ... you spook them its no joke...

no excuse for that..

09-09-2009, 04:59 PM
I had to hop off my exes bike and drag one past once! We'd slowed down, then stopped as it had a hissy fit, then switched off then removed lids just in case that was the problem still no joy and the poor lass was getting really upset so I got off went up to the horse gave it a mouthful and dragged it down the road. The lass was so surprised bless her and so grateful. I guess she hadn't come across a horse savvy biker before. As for Shans accident we knew who did and my dad went after him but he just shrugged it off and we couldn't afford to take him to court, plod were totally cr4p couldn't be 4rsed to pursue it. As far as they were concerned it was only a horse and no one was injured.

09-09-2009, 05:09 PM
I hit a bird the other day while out on the bike. Well, it hit me really. I stopped...to check my bike. Bloody hurt my foot it did. I once had an excellent hare which a friend of mine hit. The Hare ran its skull into the footpeg. Stone cold dead and not a mark on it. Yum.

I would probably stop if I hit a dog or cat. And after I picked myself and the bike off the road, I'd go looking for the owner... for some compensation.

09-09-2009, 05:45 PM
oi what do you expect if you knock down a woman.....:nash:

09-09-2009, 05:57 PM
dunno why horses are on the road either imho

09-09-2009, 06:02 PM
Where do horses display their tax??


09-09-2009, 06:08 PM
dont think they pay tax, they just use our roads and poo everywhere :running:

09-09-2009, 06:24 PM
Same as cyclists! Most horse riders have insurance though unlike cyclists and there are fewer of them on the roads!

09-09-2009, 06:27 PM
imho again, i think that the cyclists are using there bike generally to get somewhere:scratch:

09-09-2009, 07:06 PM
Not necessarily, we get packs of them all frogs legs in clingfilm taking over the lanes riding abreast so you can't get past and giving you evils if you try. They probably give off the same amount of methane as a nag too. The other weekend going to Snets there was a race on and they were on the A11 causing mayhem, James put the wind up one or two, the lorry has a horn that sounds like a train honking so he just hooted on the odd occasion. It was quite dangerous, suddenly coming across two cyclists abreast and having cars in the outside lane overtaking you. Slamming on the brakes isn't a good idea really.

09-09-2009, 08:19 PM
I've hit whilst riding my bike or driving a car, just about everything you could think of! (I think i'm a magnet for suicidal animals!!)Everything from a sparrow to a red deer, ouch!
Where safe and possible I always stop and check wether their dead or not.
I find it heartless that people do'nt stop to check if the creature is dead.
Although some of the 'kills' i've been involved in have been monty python territory!:biggrin:
As for cyclists!, do'nt get me started! Riding through red lights in town, cutting across you without signaling, riding 4/5 abreast when out as a group on narrow back roads.
Gggrrrrr!!! & yes I have ridden a push bike!

09-09-2009, 08:46 PM
cycle skittles :idea::on::mand:

Dont get me started

Mr G

09-09-2009, 09:21 PM
10 points for push bikes..... i had someone drunk on one just keel over in front of me....i had to stand on my car brakes!!

and i think the worse the lycra the higher the points!

we get packs of them through Kesgrave...middle of road lycra clad arses...and silly aerodynamic headgear...its not the Tour De France its Ippo... you don't pay road tax , you don't play by the rules ...ie oh red light we have to stop no il just go through or go on the pavement!!

I had to push bike to work on a fold up bike with back pedal brakes (nice skids!!) ..when someone stole my 125... .. then someone stole my shopping bike!!! wasn't even a cool bike! apart from spokey dokies!! (age 20)..

09-09-2009, 09:30 PM
we have a train horn on our truck....... we have "open " level crossings around our way. i want to park up close and wait for the tour de france brigade.................. phawwww phwarrrrrr.

Mr G

09-09-2009, 09:52 PM
pmsl ...lol..... oh dear... lots of um soggy lycra... ewwwwww!!!

im sure blokes shove some socks down front.... lol.... Guy i worked with used to waltz in .. but he was pretty fit tri-athalon blokey... I said don't even talk to me until you have got changed !!... avert your eyes miss... crikey!

sadly the norm is 8 stone of shaved legs , knobbly knees and trainspotter voice...

nah il stick to men in leather thanks... im not a textile lady either!!

The only good lycra ive seen is the local glamrock band..lol.... all hair and lycra awesome or and another young man who has the most coolest shiny short in the world which way tops the entire glamrock band... I hope he doesnt own a push bike...
If I see any of them riding pushbikes through town im a gonna cry :cry:

people on pushbikes are the devils work!! :mad:

09-09-2009, 10:03 PM
Cyclists poo everywhere? That shouldn't be allowed.

09-09-2009, 10:07 PM
its a grim thought but I think the truck horn is a top idea!!!!.... do it ... just make sure Im about so I can point and laff!!... the lycra will hold it in!! lol

09-09-2009, 10:35 PM
That's why I said frogs legs in cling film, they get huge lumpy bits around the thighs then go a bit stringy till the calf where they bulge out again. I think they are actually fetishists on the quiet too, why else would they enjoy dressing in skin tight lycra and sit on a razor blade seat? Mind you if research is correct said seat will stop them breeding other lycra lovers which can't be a bad thing. It's the arrogance they have too, everyone else has to abide by the rules of the road but they don't, as Grumpy said riding through red lights, on pavements and generally hogging the road in groups. That's when cycle skittles is fun. That blasted horn on the lorry has had me jump out of my skin and the other day Clive snuck up behind me, bearing in mind I do look in my mirrors quite a lot in the car, I'd looked then next time I looked there was something huge and red filling my rear window going nee naw nee naw so I pulled over thinking it was a fire engine, needless to say it was Clive absolutely wetting himeself. I haven't got him back yet!

10-09-2009, 08:29 PM
I worked in Cambridge for 2 yrs and had several accidents with cyclists, each time I was stationary!!
1 rode in to the back of my car, head down, peddaling like fury, trying to get to where ever, in the pouring rain!!
1rode into the side of my car whilst coming out of a side street, watch pedestrians run around whilst I sat in the shouting 'you've hit them' was funny.
The last time, I was turning left of the main road onto a side road only to find a foreign student riding down the wrong side of the road who promptly smacked into the bonnet!!:banghead::banghead:

Black Bob
11-09-2009, 01:06 PM
...1 rode in to the back of my car.....1rode into the side of my car.....promptly smacked into the bonnet!!:banghead::banghead:

Damned cars clogging up the blasted road, etc, etc.....:twak:

Should be ashamed of yourself. ;)