View Full Version : Men - does your other half struggle to find kit?

02-07-2009, 06:56 PM
I originally posted this addressed to female riders but also need information from female pillion riders...please can you ask them the following questions?...would be really grateful for feedback...thanks :)

I'm doing a bit of market research and would be really grateful if you would share with me your clothing woes...how hard have you found it to get what you want?

What fitting problems have you had? If you could design anything differently, what would you ask for?

Any particular problems? Leathers? Winter gear? Helmets? Boots? Gloves? Anything else?!

Where do you shop for your kit? How are you treated? How would you like to shop?

Any other stories you can share with me?

Please either reply to this thread or PM me, many thanks for your time :)


02-07-2009, 08:24 PM
My good lady, Jules, had no trouble finding kit in general with the possible exception of gloves.

She has two sets of leathers, one Dianese which is excellent and one Furygan/Heine Gerick combo, again a good fit. The Dianese suit was an ebay win, the Furygan jacket came from the bike show and we shpped at HG Southampton for the HG kit - in the latter two cases both sellers were helpful and knowledgeable about ladies kit.

The problem with gloves is that it appears to be quite difficult to find armoured ladies gloves - something like Aplinestars GP Pros, on ladies sizes. The majority of ladies gloves appear to be unarmoured and pink, described by Jules as Pillion Gloves. She came off a few months ago and despite wearing decent gloves (Astars) they are not as robust as my GP Pros and really now need to be consigned to the bin.

Anyone looking for ladies kit would do well to check out Heine Gerick as they've always been super helpful when we've been looking and are generally run by bikers who know they stuff

02-07-2009, 09:53 PM
I have a plan which I will reveal on here soon...should hopefully make shopping for gear a lot more pleasurable for women! Thanks for your reply :)