View Full Version : fuelcap problem is it common???

10-08-2007, 10:44 AM
the monster im looking at to buy the guy says some time when you shut the fuel cap down the breather tube gets blocked somehow and after riding for abit the bike stops and when you open the cap you release a vacumn then the bike starts ok again?? common? any ideas? anyone had the same problem?:worried:

10-08-2007, 11:00 AM
Very very common - unkink said pipe and you'll be away. My 600 used to do it all the time especially if I'd given it a good old clean, lifted the tank etc etc - definitely worth replacing it if itn's not in the right place or it's become bent over time, just one of those design faults that you learn to love and appreciate like most things Ducati!!!

10-08-2007, 11:37 AM
I actually read the owners manual on the rs. It says that you should leave a small gap between the top of the fuel and the top of the tank. Clearly this will reduce the possibility of a vacuum forming and causing fuel starvation.

10-08-2007, 12:46 PM
It's a common thing, the fuel breather hose on the underside of the tank gets blocked. I haven't got a hose fitted any more, works for me!!

The vaccum will still form Jerry, it's caused by fuel being used in the tank and not replaced with air through the breather. It'll happen with half a tank or quarter of a tank of fuel as much as with a full tank.

10-08-2007, 01:02 PM
It's a common thing, the fuel breather hose on the underside of the tank gets blocked. I haven't got a hose fitted any more, works for me!!

The vaccum will still form Jerry, it's caused by fuel being used in the tank and not replaced with air through the breather. It'll happen with half a tank or quarter of a tank of fuel as much as with a full tank.

Clearly it will still form, but the smaller the gap, the quicker the problem will arise :)

10-08-2007, 03:30 PM
Even better when you point a breather pipe forward instead of backwards and then wonder why for weeks it cuts out for no reason.... Dohhhh

Starter Sprag
10-08-2007, 03:34 PM
the monster im looking at to buy the guy says some time when you shut the fuel cap down the breather tube gets bloked somehow and after riding for abit the bike stops and when you open the cap you release a vacumn then the bike starts ok again?? common? any ideas? anyone had the same problem?:worried:

Get some WD-40 and thin tube, feed down into breather pipe, the one next to the hinge,spray several doses and wait

Put rag under outlet pipe, thats the black pipe near to rear wheel,watch as crud drips onto rag

If you do this often, say every month, keeps tube clear

11-08-2007, 06:49 AM
well guys n girlies advice n knowledge much appreciated that puts my mind at ease ,have to get to work on the guy now see if i can catch myself
a monster!!!

11-08-2007, 07:16 PM
That's only when you have a blocked or kinked pipe.

The gap on filling is so that you don't fill it right up to the brim with nice cold fuel (never noticed how nice a fresh tank of gas feels on a hot day ??? Ahhhhhhh cool inner thigh) It's right over a hot engine, you will get some expansion
which makes it more likely it'll leak out the overflow (unless kinked or blocked)
which makes it more likely it'll splash on something hot :fiery:
OR splash on something thats supposed to be grippy like a tyre.
AND more likely it'll dribble out of overflow when on the prop stand where both of the above apply.

If they didn't mention the possibility you might get some dork saying Duhhh I never realised that, here's the bill (especially in the states).

11-08-2007, 08:04 PM
umm i occasionally over fil lthe tank and it pisses out all over the rear because i removedthe overflow tube after melting it on the exhaust

ive not set the bike on fire yet but theres still time

11-08-2007, 10:35 PM
T.P.F&T or Comp LOL s'whats its for