View Full Version : Club President/ EGM

28-07-2007, 08:07 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm sure you all know that Terry/Fatbloke had now stepped down as club President.

He's done an outstanding job and created a wonderful club. He'll be greatly missed and a very hard act to follow.

If the club is to continue to go from strength to strength then we need to have a President.
An Extraordinary General Meeting is being planned to decide what happens next and will be open to all members.
Benson has offered to take notes at the meeting, these can then be posted on the website so that anyone who's unable to attend can find out what was said.

Grunter has kindly offered the use of his club in Burnham, Slough and the provisional date for this is the 18th August @ 7.30pm.
People can be accommodated overnight, but Grunter will have to let us know how much space he has etc.
It would be useful to know how many of you would like to attend the meeting too....wouldn't want Grunter to run out of beer would we?

It's been suggested that anyone wishing to take on the role of President should put their name forward, the whole club could then take a vote. Just an idea, but it's seems like the best way to do it.
I'll try to clarify exactly what the role entails so that you know what you could be letting yourself in for!

I'm sorry that details are sketchy but no real decisions have been made as yet. I'll update this thread as often as I can so that you are all kept informed of what's happening.

Please use this thread to ask any questions or post comments.
Pooh's thread can be kept for messages for Terry.

Thanks for reading this.


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28-07-2007, 08:16 PM
Please use this thread to ask any questions or post comments.
Pooh's thread can be kept for messages for Terry.
this bit! lol
I'm not bloody dead!!!
I've stuck this thread
if it'll help (not sure that it will)
I'm happy to come to the meeting, its only down the road.

28-07-2007, 09:02 PM
Thanks Terry.

Sorry, didn't mean it to sound like Pooh's thread was for your obituaries! :eek:

David Matthews
28-07-2007, 09:23 PM
Quote from Tigerlily
"It's been suggested that anyone wishing to take on the role of President should put their name forward, the whole club could then take a vote. Just an idea, but it's seems like the best way to do it.
I'll try to clarify exactly what the role entails so that you know what you could be letting yourself in for!"

People tend to be reluctant to put their own names forward in this sort of situation. If members put forward suggestions of who they think would do a good job we are more likely to come up with the best person for the job. Someone who has been a member for a while, is online regularly and confident to make decisions quickly.

Please use this thread to ask any questions or post comments.
Pooh's thread can be kept for messages for Terry.

Thanks for reading this.


28-07-2007, 11:22 PM
Dave makes a good point above - people tend to be shy in coming forward... but at the same time, the person who takes over this role really has to want it with the same passion that Terry started the club with, and not feel any pressure to take up the reins unless their personal circumstances properly allow it, and that they are prepared (and have the free time and facilities) to do all the backroom stuff that the rest of us take for granted...

Which brings me on to the point JerryXT raised in the other thread re. the funding of the trackday from Terry's own pocket...

The main 'problem' the club has had from day one, is that it is severely limited in funds. Unlike almost every other web-based club (and all other Ducati Clubs), the UKMOC is free to join, there are no subscriptions, and was never intended to become 'a business'.

Terry said that as long as he was president, it would always remain a free resource, and together with the time and efforts of moderators and area reps, the 'work' as and when it is required, has been shared between us. I for one would like to see this ethos continue. It seems it costs money to do anything these days, and personally I've found the UKMOC is a welcome relief from that mentality.

The weekender makes no profit at all. What modest profit is made from events such as the trackday (and the odd bit of merchandise in the past) together with the money from site sponsors/advertisers is ploughed straight back into the club - essentially our only costs are to our webhosts for the maintanance of the website.

I stongly believe that we should maintain the free nature of the UKMOC, but this does mean we need to look long and hard at how (expensive) events such as the annual trackday are funded in future. Jerry is right, no one individual should have to saddle such a huge financial responsibility on behalf of the club.


29-07-2007, 01:11 AM
how will the voting happen? just a count of people at the meeting or a email vote to fatbloke and or others

and do people who want to take over need a proposed and second?

just some thoughts

personally i would have thought the best candidates would be one of the people who are already a moderator

29-07-2007, 06:42 AM
Personaly I think this needs to be done in several stages

1) Allow anybody with X years membership and/or sponsorship from a moderator to put themselves forward

2) Hold a blind vote with all club members with more than X months membership

3) Shortlist the top X (three?) from the vote

4) Moderators & fatbloke to interview / select that canditate that is most likely to uphold the current terms of reference and ethos of the club

Just a suggestion

gary tompkins
29-07-2007, 07:37 AM
Having checked my diary I can't make proposed 18th date for the EGM, although I would have been ok for the 25th. FWIW heres a copy of my comments to Tigerlily's PM on the topic of the EGM....


Hi Julie,

I prefer the 25th too & will make every effort to attend. Do you think this EGM will be an initial planning & discussion session, or hope to get some of that done beforehand online?

I personally think the election of a new club president should be put to an open vote (full UKMOC membership) using the forum. How prospective canditates are selected, and other details such as terms of office or other electable posts (if needed) could be discussed at the EGM.

It may be difficult to sort everything between the moderators etc... in advance, so I personally feel a face to face EGM would be best place to thrash things out? A full copy of any minutes can always be posted on the website afterwards for those that can't make it.

I'll try to talk to local members & reps in the meantime and get feedback on how they want the club to move forward. After all this club exists for the benefit of it's members, not just those that'll end up at the tiller in Terry's absence.

29-07-2007, 08:50 AM
More than happy to come to the meeting on the 18th - I've loved every minute of my 5 years membership of the club and would want to see it remain the fantastic spece it is for all of us - as well as echoing Jen's sentiments about the financial aspects...

Perhaps it might be helpful to agree an "interim board" of members who could hold the fort and manage things whilst the actual process of replacing the president and perhaps exec board of moderators is taken forwards - experience suggests these things take time to get right. There will be key aspects to the work that need to be continued in the short term - membership and stuff so it's important we continue with plans for normal service in the interim. More than happy to do what I can to support the movement forwards and will see one and all on the 18th...

29-07-2007, 11:53 AM
First of all can I say how sorry I am to see Terry stand down. His firm but fair hand on the levers of power has kept this Club free of the problems which have afflicted other clubs.

If I may make a suggestion it would be not to rush into replacing Terry without thinking through how the Club will operate in the future.
Does the Club need a constitution?
Will the Club benefit from management by committee?
How will Club functions such as the trackday be financed ? - it was completely wrong in my opinion for Terry to be financially at risk for so long over the last year.

These are just some of the issues which need to be thought through.

I hope however it is decided to proceed that this Club will continue to be the friendly meeting place for monster owners which has been its appeal for so many.

Terry , thank you for what you have done for the Club. Hope to see you again.

29-07-2007, 12:03 PM
I stongly believe that we should maintain the free nature of the UKMOC, but this does mean we need to look long and hard at how (expensive) events such as the annual trackday are funded in future. Jerry is right, no one individual should have to saddle such a huge financial responsibility on behalf of the club.

I'm in agreement with this view. Ducatis don't have to be expensive to own and run and that's the strength of the Monster and the club. That said, the are people who spend a lot on thier bikes and personally, I'd be more than willing to put my money with a company that helps the club in some way.

Is there a sponsorship committee? Do we want one? Would it help?

Regarding the role pf the pres, personally I think that we need to define what it is that we want the pres to do before we saddle the incumbant with the responsibility :)

29-07-2007, 12:06 PM
I totally agree with what Phil has said - there are too many places/clubs that have gone under because of personal interests, friendship groups, cliques etc etc - this place has always been unique and Terry has made it that way and that's the legacy I for one would like to see maintained...:thumbsup:

I don't think we should rush into a replacement either - balanced with the fact that we need to maintain a level of service to new members etc that has been managed so seamlessly until now...

So - I look forward to taking this place forward with everyone else in the spirit we have come to really know, trust and appreciate...

29-07-2007, 12:20 PM
I agree with Jenny regarding subscription/membership fees. Terry always intended the club to be a free resource and I think we should respect that.
There's nothing to stop us from setting up something where people can give donations to help with the running costs though. Asking people nicely will get far better results than making demands (well that's what I think)

As for the system of voting/ choosing candidates - tbh we just don't know how that will work as yet. All ideas and suggestions will be carefully looked at by the moderators. I really think that candidates need to put themselves forward though, as Jenny said - it's not the kind of thing that you can thrust upon someone... they need to want to do it. If someone is too shy to put themselves forward then they are obviously not the right person for the job anyway.

Benson's idea on some sort of interim board of moderators is a good one. That way a few of us can decide on what should be discussed at the meeting. I know that lots of us busy lives and don't have the time to dedicate themselves so perhaps a handful of us should "hold the fort" as Benson suggested? Any volunteers???

Has that answered all the questions so far?

29-07-2007, 12:31 PM
Count me in hon - in any way I can help. I'm not a moderator but I'm rep for London and Essex - and have been part of this set up for a long time and care deeply about its future. I'm more than happy to do anything, I'm not sure what the day to day jobs are but I would be willing to put some time in to make sure we stay afloat.

Thinking about it we've got three weeks until we meet - do we need a list of jobs/duties to do to hold things steady and then we can divvy them up?

29-07-2007, 12:58 PM
I'll give Terry a ring about the day to day stuff and see what that entails.
From the outside it looks like things pretty much run themselves on the website - apart from new members being approved - but there's bound to be more to it than that.

29-07-2007, 01:05 PM
Well I'm more than happy to help out with whatever - keep in touch and count those days to your hols!!!:)

29-07-2007, 01:59 PM
I know ive not been here long but I do like the way the club is run at the moment.
Just a couple of suggestions:-
1. I think that Dontations to the club would be a very good idea as Tiger said.
2. I also think that getting some form of sponsorship deals would also help out. Things like dealers, suppliers etc giving dosh for advertising space on the forum somewhere.
3. I dont know exactly what FB did as el Presidenti but it appeared to me that he did a hell of a lot of stuff that could have been delegated out. Maybe you could have a President who holds the final say and an under Board of members to help out. I know there are moderators appointed but how far does their responsibility go? Maybe the moderators could be asked to do a bit more to lesten the burden to the new president.


29-07-2007, 02:34 PM
I know ive not been here long but I do like the way the club is run at the moment.
Just a couple of suggestions:-
1. I think that Dontations to the club would be a very good idea as Tiger said.
2. I also think that getting some form of sponsorship deals would also help out. Things like dealers, suppliers etc giving dosh for advertising space on the forum somewhere.
3. I dont know exactly what FB did as el Presidenti but it appeared to me that he did a hell of a lot of stuff that could have been delegated out. Maybe you could have a President who holds the final say and an under Board of members to help out. I know there are moderators appointed but how far does their responsibility go? Maybe the moderators could be asked to do a bit more to lesten the burden to the new president.


Hi Gary, thanks for the comments.

Terry has said that we already generate some revenue from advertising/ sponsors and I agree that this is something which needs to be looked at in more detail and possibly expanded on. Having said that I wouldn't want the site to be over-run with ads but we do need to make sure that we have funds coming in to cover basic costs. Perhaps we could have a section devoted to external links and advertising?

The role of President will be fully defined as soon as possible, no-one can be expected to put themselves forward if they don't know what's involved. I agree that some of the responsibilities should be shared out, particularly the website/forum aspect.

29-07-2007, 04:22 PM
my place now booked for egm could start early bbq that sort of thing? got kitchen bbq showers 900 acres off road parking etc etc hall is good for up to 120 people just let me know and its done

29-07-2007, 04:39 PM
900 acres???? room for a few tents then? lol

I'm happy to book it for the 18th if everyone else agrees?

I feel bad that Gary can't make that date but most people I've spoken to can't make the 25th so it makes sense to go with the majority.

29-07-2007, 04:56 PM
First of all can I say how sorry I am to see Terry stand down. His firm but fair hand on the levers of power has kept this Club free of the problems which have afflicted other clubs.

If I may make a suggestion it would be not to rush into replacing Terry without thinking through how the Club will operate in the future.
Does the Club need a constitution?
Will the Club benefit from management by committee?
How will Club functions such as the trackday be financed ? - it was completely wrong in my opinion for Terry to be financially at risk for so long over the last year.

These are just some of the issues which need to be thought through.

I hope however it is decided to proceed that this Club will continue to be the friendly meeting place for monster owners which has been its appeal for so many.

Terry , thank you for what you have done for the Club. Hope to see you again.

Spot on Logyk!

It's not the end of the world if we're without a leader for a month or two, it would be truly dreadful if a rushed and ill thought out decision changed the nature of the club.

29-07-2007, 05:08 PM
I'd be happy to do some webby stuff if it would help.

29-07-2007, 05:14 PM
Ill be there if its the 18th - possibly if its the 25th (pushing it as im off on holiday the next day)

29-07-2007, 06:11 PM
I just re-read Grunters post.......

The EGM is now BOOKED for the 18th. I'll edit my original post so that people know it's definite.

29-07-2007, 09:02 PM
I'd be happy to do some webby stuff if it would help.

Hi Jerry,

Thanks for the offer. After talking to Terry earlier it looks like we'll be needing someone with a bit of technical web type know how.
I'm going to have a look at that type of stuff later in the week, so I'll bear you in mind. :-)

29-07-2007, 09:32 PM
Great loss losing Terry, like many others here, I count the guy as a true friend.

Its hard to know nowadays how many active members there are but in the early part of 2000 when I first got involved there were about 80 members based mainly around London with a few isolated members elsewhere in the UK. It used to make the 4 of us in Gloucestershire jealous to see groups of 20 or so meeting at the Ace and in them days a pub down Reading way.

In them days we communicated by e mails, there was no forum but we still got good turn outs at events. Remember the 1st national ride out from the National motorcycle museum that summer to Stratford. There are still people like Marky Dix, Didge, Grunt, Fatbloke, Rachel and many others still involved from that day. Along the way we have built a core of active members who make the club strong nationally and internationally.

Lets take our time getting a Pres, he/she should be able to delegate most things and concentrate on taking the club forward rather than getting bogged down in admin. Lets use the 18th to get ideas together, its maybe a good idea for the moderators then to collate ideas and comments then use the forum to bounce ideas about before some kind of vote.

The issue of a club constitution has been mentioned before and has never been necessary because Grunt and Terry have taken an all inclusive view and let the club follow its members. This was ok until about 2 years ago when we nearly got hijacked by mischief makers and wasted a lot of time getting them off the forum and we must make sure constitutional changes make the club more secure. Its important though that we use the EGM to discuss club organisation, structure, funding, forum, events, ride outs, shows, trackdays etc etc and a means to tie the whole lot together.

Perhaps Tigerlily could knock together an agenda and anyone wanting additions could do so with a closing date of 1 week before the EGM

29-07-2007, 10:20 PM
..... Don't worry Duncan, I'm busy knocking already!

I'll draft something up and post it on here, then, like you say it can be amended and added too before the meeting. It should give us chance to see what can be sorted out via the website/email and which items really need to be discussed face to face.

Lots of ideas/issues have already been raised, some of which i feel can be dealt with and decided upon before the EGM, that way we can concentrate on the bigger issues on the 18th.

Does that sound sensible to everyone?

30-07-2007, 06:00 AM
In them days we communicated by e mails, there was no forum but we still got good turn outs at events. Remember the 1st national ride out from the National motorcycle museum that summer to Stratford. There are still people like Marky Dix, Didge, Grunt, Fatbloke, Rachel and many others still involved from that day. Along the way we have built a core of active members who make the club strong nationally and internationally.

Blimey, seems eons ago - but what a good one that was :D - likewise the ride-in to the opening of DLS (now closed) in March 2002 :cool:

Lets take our time getting a Pres, he/she should be able to delegate most things and concentrate on taking the club forward rather than getting bogged down in admin. Lets use the 18th to get ideas together, its maybe a good idea for the moderators then to collate ideas and comments then use the forum to bounce ideas about before some kind of vote.

The issue of a club constitution has been mentioned before and has never been necessary because Grunt and Terry have taken an all inclusive view and let the club follow its members. This was ok until about 2 years ago when we nearly got hijacked by mischief makers and wasted a lot of time getting them off the forum and we must make sure constitutional changes make the club more secure. Its important though that we use the EGM to discuss club organisation, structure, funding, forum, events, ride outs, shows, trackdays etc etc and a means to tie the whole lot together.

Perhaps Tigerlily could knock together an agenda and anyone wanting additions could do so with a closing date of 1 week before the EGM

Well thought out Duncan :)

BTW, having been away for the long weekend (racing at the Doom), this is the first we had heard of this officially - still not getting emails from UKMOC :(

Terry, you fat git - you've done it this long - well done old bean :cool:


30-07-2007, 09:55 AM
I'm going to try and pop along just a meet a few of you chaps.

Willing to help in anyway I can.

30-07-2007, 10:04 AM
I really want to make the 18th but have prior (paid) plans for 19th in Leeds - currently trying to sell my ticket and get out of attending to enable me to attend the EGM.

I'll let you know ASAP.

30-07-2007, 10:24 AM
Hi All

Must admit I don't post much, but I am online daily and read as much as I can...

I feel that the club does need a figure who can have the final say, but I believe that the area mods need to take a lot more on... to take some of the pressure from the (un)lucky new president...

Regular area meetings would be a start I am sure that each area has a popular meeting place/pub, be it monthly or quarterly...

Regarding the web space, I am sure that there are many web designers out there who would "volunteer" their services with the day to day maintenance. I am more than willing to host the site on my server.

Not very cost efficient, but many online groups have set up PayPal donations. I have seen a few whereby donations give the donor some Kudos by having "stars" after their name.

Terry is fantastic organising everything and taking little or no credit for all his efforts. For sure he is not going to vanish and the new president will no doubt benefit from Terry's vast knowledge and experience.

Personally may I thank you.

30-07-2007, 11:36 AM
Hi Jerry,

Thanks for the offer. After talking to Terry earlier it looks like we'll be needing someone with a bit of technical web type know how.
I'm going to have a look at that type of stuff later in the week, so I'll bear you in mind. :-)

No worries. Again, that would be me :)

30-07-2007, 12:08 PM
Count me in for the EGM.

I can see if I learnt anything from running two other interweb forum thingies over the years... Not likely, but I'll help out anyway I can :thumbsup:

30-07-2007, 02:11 PM
Not very cost efficient, but many online groups have set up PayPal donations. I have seen a few whereby donations give the donor some Kudos by having "stars" after their name.

Oooooh I can see a new 'CASH FOR HONOURS' headline :chuckle:

30-07-2007, 02:50 PM
Once the job description has been defined, perhaps some consideration should be given to period of office too.

30-07-2007, 04:16 PM
That sounds like a good idea Slob - that way we're none of us indispensible!

30-07-2007, 09:13 PM
of the club back in the day, When Terry was the webmaster (his title not spiderman) he did all the old site in some free ****e thing i found somewhere and continued to load stuff daily and improve it bit by bit then spiderman did come along and helped for a while, then stu watkins whos company still hosts the site made things work but to my knowledge fatbloke still uploaded and made work, all the forum and galleries etc etc pm stuff mind blowin really what he has done for this club day in and day out (big up the fatbloke ) (manlove moment) the trouble with being up top there all kind of pressures and sometimes you do things that people like and dont like ? but its very hard to keep all the people happy (even if it is for nothing) as for the trackday thing were he could have lost money (thats so wrong) he would have took a lost rather disapoint people. The weekenders -ride outs etc etc all pressure to which sometimes you cant enjoy became you responsable for other people enjoying themselves. So i have the uttmost respect for that fat b&stard and what he has done and i,m glad he,s my mate :booze: pipe and slippers time
hope we can go back to the foggy and flying custard days again soon?


30-07-2007, 09:48 PM
Once the job description has been defined, perhaps some consideration should be given to period of office too.

That may well be a very long job description, I think you'll find Terry wear's many hats and is leaving some big boots to fill. I know too many metaphor’s but thanks Terry.

30-07-2007, 10:51 PM
We could have ducati events between us to raise money for the club-such as raffles, sponsored events, cake sales lol, hey don't laugh I raised over £50 for a guinea pig cage by selling cakes! As you say, the person or people who want to run it will be dedicated and know themselves that they are up for the job.

31-07-2007, 02:34 PM
of the club back in the day, When Terry was the webmaster (his title not spiderman) he did all the old site in some free ****e thing i found somewhere and continued to load stuff daily and improve it bit by bit then spiderman did come along and helped for a while, then stu watkins whos company still hosts the site made things work but to my knowledge fatbloke still uploaded and made work, all the forum and galleries etc etc pm stuff mind blowin really what he has done for this club day in and day out (big up the fatbloke ) (manlove moment) the trouble with being up top there all kind of pressures and sometimes you do things that people like and dont like ? but its very hard to keep all the people happy (even if it is for nothing) as for the trackday thing were he could have lost money (thats so wrong) he would have took a lost rather disapoint people. The weekenders -ride outs etc etc all pressure to which sometimes you cant enjoy became you responsable for other people enjoying themselves. So i have the uttmost respect for that fat b&stard and what he has done and i,m glad he,s my mate :booze: pipe and slippers time
hope we can go back to the foggy and flying custard days again soon?


I hate it when he types p1ssed.
But Thanks Mate

31-07-2007, 03:01 PM
Oh the flying custard - bought my someone I know who promptly turned into a stalker! Great bike though...

31-07-2007, 08:01 PM
what the others have said

big up to Terry for building a 'real' as well as 'virtual' community

I like many others have made close friends as a result of this club

Thanks Terry

Will try to make the EGM and add my bit

:) Crust

gary tompkins
31-07-2007, 08:54 PM
900 acres???? room for a few tents then? lol

I'm happy to book it for the 18th if everyone else agrees?

I feel bad that Gary can't make that date but most people I've spoken to can't make the 25th so it makes sense to go with the majority.

No problem Julie, I fully appreciate you have to go with the majority on this.

I'll give my input FWIW before & after the meeting via the forum. I would have made the EGM if I wasn't already going to an event, but TBH a couple of weeks notice just isn't enough due to work and other commitments.

Once the job description has been defined, perhaps some consideration should be given to period of office too.

Which is what I said in post #8 on page 1...

"I personally think the election of a new club president should be put to an open vote (full UKMOC membership) using the forum. How prospective canditates are selected, and other details such as terms of office or other electable posts (if needed) could be discussed at the EGM."

I hope things get sorted for UKMOC on the 18th one way or the other

31-07-2007, 09:26 PM
Hate to have to say this but the 18th is looking a bit dodgy for me due to house moves and various other commitments. But rest assured I will try to get there if at all possible.


01-08-2007, 06:47 AM
Now is there something here that's telling us to slow down a bit - lots of folk on their hols and some extremely long standing members (ooerr matron!) not able to attend?

In another 4 weeks it's the mini weekender in Derbyshire - the barn is huge and there's shed loads of camping space so again it could be used as a possible venue for the EGM if 14-17 September is easier for folk?

The venue is fairly central, theres a lot of secure parking for bikes and as long as we know the numbers attending I'm sure the guy who owns it won't mind - just a thought, not trying to scupper plans already made, just thinking outloud...

01-08-2007, 11:30 AM
Not that it is of huge importance but I will be away on the 18th August.

I have no wish to get deeply invovled in the management of the Club at this point in time. However I do have some experience of meetings/ constitutional issues which I am happy to share with the Club.

Given the shock of Terry's resignation now might be the time for some sober(or inebriated) reflection before we move forward.

Last thing we want to do is spoil a good thing.

01-08-2007, 01:09 PM
Rachel is right - and as Grunter is still Vice Pres, then surely he can carry on Terrys good works in the mean time, until a date can be fixed for as many as possible to go?

We cant make the 18th Aug either (but also cant do the Sept one, as we are on a weeks hol :D)

In the meantime, VOTE GT or Crust :D :thumbsup: :drunk:

01-08-2007, 01:10 PM
Rachel is right - and as Grunter is still Vice Pres, then surely he can carry on Terrys good works in the mean time, until a date can be fixed for as many as possible to go?

We cant make the 18th Aug either (but also cant do the Sept one, as we are on a weeks hol :D)
How about waiting until the late Autumn?

In the meantime, VOTE GT or Crust :D :thumbsup: :drunk:

01-08-2007, 01:33 PM
I can't do the 18th either.
I would value Logys input....

(vote CK)

01-08-2007, 01:42 PM
I can't do the 18th either.
I would value Logys input....

(vote CK)

:p fool.......................

01-08-2007, 02:16 PM
OK here's my next piece of thinking -

Perhaps the 18th could be used to discuss what needs doing in the short term and to secure an interim position for the next three months or so (i.e. is the current vice president happy to be president until a later date?)

I wonder if we should aim for a November (firework?)/Xmas AGM and make it a residential so that we could have a social gathering as well as the AGM and perhaps an official send off for the FB? (I see speeches dahling and big hats....)

The only problem with that time of year is really the weather but if it was accessible by public transport we could encourage a good attendance.

I think knee jerk reactions ought to be guarded against and we should aim to involve as many people as want to play a part - whatever we decide we will be stuck with so I'd rather take our time as a club and get something we all want rather than make a decision that will in later times be difficult to reverse - thinking it through takes time let alone coming up with the way to make it happen!!!

A November/December weekender seems to me a good suggestion (well it would seeing as i suggested it) with the proviso that we can come to an agreement and undestanding about what happens in the interim period.

Should we have a poll on this do you think?

01-08-2007, 02:54 PM
You have PM Miss Hedges ;)

01-08-2007, 04:17 PM
Tigerlily has just called me - she has no internet connection so tomorrow morning she's going to call me with a provisional agenda for the meeting on the 18th and we can go from there. I'll post it on this thread so we can shape it between now and the 18th...From the 18th we can have an interim plan of what to do, who needs to do it and how we will know everyting's ok!:thumbsup:

As for a later more "planned" meeting - what about November or January (December being too busy for many folk) somewhere more central (Midlands?) for a planned weekend - the AGM on the Saturday, within definite time limits, and then those of us with nothing better to do can stay and have a longer weekend of it (i.e. go shopping!!! :p - now I'm thinking Birmingham and Selfridges January sale!!!)

I'll put up some suggested dates for the meeting and we can go from there?
There is now a poll on the random chat area - please have a look!
Is that OK? Please be aware that I AM NOT TRYING TO BE BOSSY!!!! ONLY TRYING TO HELP!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

01-08-2007, 05:20 PM
I can't make the 18th as it's the only free weekend I have in August and I must go and see my sproglet in Somerset.

I agree with what Rachel said about discussion and decision later in the year. I think we are all sensible and adult (well that's possible debateable!) enough to want things to stay primarily as they are. To be honest I didn't really appreciate what Terry did behind the scenes but I guess it took up a lot of his time and energy and I think we would all benefit from being made aware of what is really needed to keep this club the friendly, funniest and most helpful club that I have ever known and of course, free, which is welcome for the likes of me, a single mum who does struggle financially but will do anything to keep her bike on the road and UKMOC the number one :thumbsup:

01-08-2007, 07:22 PM
Rachel - how about this suggestion?

Check with Denis at Arrow Mill for a date in November (many folks here know where it is, and its quite close to Motorways etc) - and tie it up with the Saturday of the NEC bike show. Then folks might go to the bike show on the Fri & stay over for the Sat, or likewise do a midday meeting & then stay on socialising and go to the NEC on the Sunday.

23rd Nov - 2nd Dec is the NEC date. Prob best to avoid the December date tho, as xmas parties will be being booked!

Hows about Sat 24th November??

C :)

01-08-2007, 08:56 PM
The poll should now be up and as for the venue I think we'd be looking at somewhere that's as central as possible to attract as many folk as possible - and somewhere that isn't too prohibitive price wise - I'll do some invesitgating. :yoparty:

02-08-2007, 08:23 AM
Travel Lodge! We can book a room for £26 a night - the room could accommodate easily 3 or 4 adults (possibly more if we don't all mind sharing) and althought breakfast isn't included the room rate is cheap as chips which I think is going to be important for quite a few of us. Anyway - Ducati will need the name of the new president by the end of the year so i guess the January dates ought to be out of the window!

02-08-2007, 09:43 AM
Ducati wont have a set deadline for the date Rachel - the DSC chairman isnt announced till their AGM which is in feb each year :)

Matt Black
02-08-2007, 09:57 AM
Have just read the entire saga with shock, resignation, curiosity, interest, and then the inevitable restlessness, leading into impatience, with a hint of rant.....

Just goes to show as soon as you arrange a meeting and confirm it, then half the people you want to turn up can't make it!! Tigerlily must be thinking jeez, I thought we had a date sorted, now its holidays, can't make it, oo double booked, er not sure, how about a barn instead etc etc

Suggestion therefore is

Out of respect to Fatbloke, and ensuring the incumbent is made in His image (hmmm) ask Terry to outline what the incoming President should do, and what (with hindsight) should be delegated elsewhere.

So then this weekend, when such a description might be able to be posted, people will know what its all about.

Then they get an opportunity to put themselves forward. Perhaps validating their claim foto power with a short piece entitled " I want to be President because....", or " I think I could make UKMOC better by......", or " I'm prepared to write a checque out for £xxxx....."

List of names distributed to the moderators/UKMOC royalty

Top 3 put forward to public poll.
Failing that, just get everybody to vote without the UKMOC cleansing part

Result = President

No need to meet anywhere for a discussion that will inevitably end up going round in circles, with shouting and dribbling. You don't need too much detail about what a president does - cos there have been a couple already and they ought therefore to point the club in the right direction.

Then you can all meet up in Burnham and get p****ed, then if necessary you can all go to a Barn in the midlands and burn something made out of wicker to celebrate the dawn of a leaner presidency.

Failing that, get a shortlist of candidates BEFORE everyone goes on holiday or whatever, and proxy votes posted to Chair of the EGM, if that's the day of a vote....

Now can I have my oar back, it appears to be stuck.......in......thanks

Viva El Presidente

02-08-2007, 10:01 AM
I've been talking to Tigerlily and Fatbloke amongst others about how things go forwards - and it would seem that things are moving in a direction that folks are happy with, meanwhile your oar, along with all of ours, is well received. The agenda I discussed with Tigerlily this morning and it will shortly be posted so that everyone can have their input. There is no intention of going in circles, dribbling or re-enacting the wicker man - there are plenty of other websites for that!


This should take you to the agenda - and Tigerlil hopes to have internet access back sometime soon!!!

04-08-2007, 10:19 AM
Arrow Mill is booked up by the way - they only have dates in January. I'll continue to look for a venue for November but actually I think that as we think this through more we are all saying much the same thing? Still a good excuse for a get together and we'll have to think of something inapropriate to do to the new presidente!!! :drunk:

09-08-2007, 07:03 PM
I've e mailed moderators and reps to find out who's going to the meeting on the 18th - do we need to resurrect the thread before then? I guess everyone else is on their hols!!!

13-08-2007, 06:53 AM
Please could we sign up for who's going on the events sticky???

16-08-2007, 11:01 AM
Oh god - is it only me then that's going Saturday night to the EGM???

Come on peeps - this is your club!!!!!

17-08-2007, 08:20 AM
OK so the 18th is off.

From the thread about possible dates for the AGM the favourite was mid November to coincide with the NEC.

Any comments?

17-08-2007, 08:54 AM
OK so the 18th is off.

From the thread about possible dates for the AGM the favourite was mid November to coincide with the NEC.

Any comments?

Just had a look on the NEC website, I believe the show is from the 23rd Nov to the 2nd December. Sounds good to me. :)

Were you still thinking of having it at Grant's football club darn sarf or somewhere more central?

17-08-2007, 11:04 AM
Somewhere more central I think Mand - close to the NEC!!!

Thing is it depends on numbers doesn't it? If there's 6 of us we could do it in a pub (over lunch hurrah!!!), if there's 36 then it's a much bigger venue that's needed and that would cost money...I'm thinking that a travel lodge would be a good idea cos you pay for the room not the number of people in it!!!

Mr Cake
20-09-2007, 05:16 PM
if there's 36 then it's a much bigger venue that's needed and that would cost money...I'm thinking that a travel lodge would be a good idea cos you pay for the room not the number of people in it!!!
This is still a bike club, isn't it? :scratch: Just wondering in case I'd missed the bit where the UKMOC was to become a political party :rolleyes:

Sh*t! Politics! I'm off...:running:


20-09-2007, 06:53 PM
No no no - no politics!!! Look at the other threads anyway - far more entertaining!