View Full Version : This Looks Weird........

21-07-2007, 11:03 AM
Explanation above the clip.


21-07-2007, 11:22 AM
Think strobe timing.. The blades on these things are collective pitch so this jinking hover is using a fairly constant rotor head speed, the movement of the heli is the blades changing angle. The blade speed is matching the electronic shutter speed so they are appearing in the same place each frame thus appear to stand still.
The rotor disk on these is about 17 metres, tip speed around 700mph.
More impressive is the low speed, these helis get about 25% of their kift from the wings so are real unstable at low speeds.
Knew my RC heli knowledge would be handy one day.

21-07-2007, 12:27 PM
I've taken video before of these Hind 'D's at Fairford, when the Slovac Airforce had a display team there a few years back. Never had any effects like this.


21-07-2007, 12:46 PM
Of course it could always be a rendered video, just looking there is a very realistic Hind D model available that would do nicely. If it is they've done a good job with the rotor and blade angle changes.
You could work out the frame rate that's needed to stop the blades like this. The tip speed would be pretty constant in this kind of movement.