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Blah blah
27-06-2007, 07:01 AM
While most of the country is under water, it was nice and dry here last night, so I moved 2 cars, and got the bike out, even had permission from the wife (hurrah!!).
Out on the street, it took a while to start, but I wasn't too worried as there are lots of threads on here about problems starting after bikes have been stood for a while. It finally did start (choke cable must be working, ahem) but then the fuggin thing would only run on one cylinder, the horizontal one. Swapped the plugs over, used a tin of WD40 over anything electrical, and it was still impersonating a single.
Pushed it back in the garage.
I could cry...

The Duke
27-06-2007, 10:00 AM
Sorry to hear that pal.

I took advantage of the dry weather and completed a 110 mile ride taking in the sights of Bridgenorth, Kiddiminster through Stafford, Cannock, Walsall and back to Wolves, and did not see one spot of rain (Hurray) :bunny:

Hopefully the weather is on the change as I really would not want to listen U2 doing us a flood benifit gig. :cry:
(Sorry to the U2 fans out there)