View Full Version : For anyone with too much money...

31-05-2007, 03:00 PM
Something for the Riders for Health charity.


And anyone wanting a Foggy Monster tank


Something to look at when I finish work and 'not' spend any money ;)

31-05-2007, 03:56 PM
Why oh why do people put posts like this up.
I'll now be watching the Foggy tank, wondering if if the Casey Stoner tail piece will look good on the monster, wondering what I'd look like in Superman leathers (if I was 3 stone lighter!) etc etc

31-05-2007, 04:49 PM
Why oh why do people put posts like this up.
I'll now be watching the Foggy tank, wondering if if the Casey Stoner tail piece will look good on the monster, wondering what I'd look like in Superman leathers (if I was 3 stone lighter!) etc etc

:chuckle: I just had to share it, because I was thinking the same things :D (apart from the 3 stone lighter bit!) ;)