View Full Version : New plates with Chip

17-05-2006, 12:38 PM
In todays MCN, look forward to having a billboard on the back of your nice bike
and being nicked every day.

17-05-2006, 12:48 PM
What a disappointment. I was drawn to this tread by the title, expecting stories of plates of chips.

17-05-2006, 12:51 PM
Give us a clue then, been looking @ MCN on line and can't find what you are on about........

17-05-2006, 12:55 PM
Police forces are preparing to trial car number plates fitted with chips to make it easier to identify vehicles.
The Department for Transport (DfT) told silicon.com the technology will be investigated for its "anti-crime and anti-fraud" potential. And although the DfT would not say when the trial is planned to take place, one newspaper report said it is likely to take place this autumn.
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) said the details of the trial are still to be decided but that it is likely to be limited to police vehicles.
"As well as testing the technology in a live environment, it will allow the police to assess its value as a tool for accurately identifying vehicles and combating crime," it said.
The DVLA is also working with number plate manufacturers and security companies to develop an approved standard for number plates that would be more resistant to theft.
Today the government also announced a crackdown on uninsured drivers, using a database of all registered vehicles in the UK.
From November the police will start using automatic number plate recognition technology to identify and prosecute drivers without insurance.
Road safety minister Stephen Ladyman said in a statement: "We estimate that every law-abiding motorist pays £30 a year because of uninsured drivers. This new measure will be coupled with new police powers to electronically spot and, ultimately, to seize and destroy cars without insurance. We are determined to rid the roads of the menace of uninsured driving."

17-05-2006, 01:03 PM
I completely agree with the strategy on uninsured drivers. There are so many uninsured cars on the road nowadays that they should be scrapped. Maybe they should be stirpped and sold for spares rather than squashed into useless bits of metal though.

17-05-2006, 01:07 PM
page 17. So if it is imposible to steel a bike and get away with it, will our insurance premiums be cut? i doubt it.

17-05-2006, 02:14 PM
Totally agree on the insurance fraudsters out there but at the end of the day most of the uninsured are either illegals, fraudsters, thieves and clone platers. The chances of the Police catching them is f%$* all, as they don't know who they are in the first place and they all plead poverty when they get caught.

At the end of the day it just an excuse for additional road taxes and charging for miles travelled, but then bearing in mind that in 10 to 20 years time they will probably of found a way of proving that Motorcyles are bad for the environment, noisy, dangerous and anti social machines that should be seen only in Museums or on the Race Track we really shouldn't worry and just enjoy the freedom (sic) we have now before it's to late.

Didn't they say once that in the non too distant future tax discs were going to have micro chips in embedded into them that could be read from road side monitors and that you would just update and pay online each year?

I've already started buying my tax discs online this year. It beats standing in the post office for thirty minutes.