View Full Version : pics in jpg

05-03-2006, 05:41 PM
when i try to upload a pic to a thread it say i can only have 31.5 KB
then looking at the properties off someone elses pic it is 80 KB...??
then again the 80 one is in the thread and not an attachment...(have i answered my own question)...or am i still thick..

i am loosing quality and sharpness in my pics with them so small

05-03-2006, 05:45 PM
bud.........go to Photobucket.com............like i have to post pics......its free to join.......just up load them.....and us the links they supply to use on the forum....links..ors pics.easy:mand:

05-03-2006, 06:48 PM
Try pixresizer works for me.
Do a google to find it.

13-03-2006, 01:28 PM
when i try to upload a pic to a thread it say i can only have 31.5 KB
then looking at the properties off someone elses pic it is 80 KB...??
then again the 80 one is in the thread and not an attachment...(have i answered my own question)...or am i still thick..

i am loosing quality and sharpness in my pics with them so small

I was just going to ask the same thing...

The pictures that you view immediately in a thread are links to images hosted elsewhere... the attachements (you have to click on to view) are hosted on the UKMOC site, and I imagine the file size has recently been reduced from 90Kb to save space? (and to stop Nattyboy attaching his poster-sized images, ahem)...

Is this correct Terry?

I understand what Bob is saying - I was going to post up some pictures of yesterday's Surrey/Sussex meet, but they would be so small as to not really be worth it...

hey ho...
