View Full Version : Ebay

28-09-2005, 01:05 PM
Has anybody ever sold their bike on Ebay?
If so how did you get on?
It seems a bit of a risk that you might not get enough for it!

28-09-2005, 01:09 PM
My fella sold his Bandit on ebay and we had no problems at all - in fact the bloke that bought it was a real diamond and paid straight the way and collected within a couple of days.

28-09-2005, 01:28 PM
sold mine "through" ebay (someone came to see it, and offered cash on the spot).
So even if it does not sell on ebay, it is still very good exposure. I am sure the fees are cheaper than on autotrader, on a 10 days sale.
I also bought two "through" ebay again..
didnt technically win them, but spotted them and negociated.
I recommend it.

lord vader
28-09-2005, 02:00 PM
Got my monster from a Ebay add although I lost the Auction the guy knew i was serious and only 6miles down the road so after the winning bidder started stalling I got a mail from him payed and collected that afternoon.
Also sold my BMW Bike via ebay not from a bidder but a local bloke who saw it on ebay cam down for a look and bought on the spot.

so it may not work the way you expect but the exposure and intrest is a great way of getting the end result.

28-09-2005, 04:32 PM
I put my 900ss up on ebay last year, with no reserve but a sart price that was the minimum I was prepared to accept for it. It didn't sell, but a local buyer contacted me after the auction ended and negotiated a sale. Suited me as I didn't have to pay much in the way of fees.

28-09-2005, 04:37 PM
I sold my car via e-bay - no problems. The buyer came to collect and gave me the cash. I think you should just be wise and alert.

28-09-2005, 04:38 PM
I sold my car via e-bay - no problems. The buyer came to collect and gave me the cash. I think you should just be wise and alert.

Damn !!

28-09-2005, 05:17 PM
Just watch out for the scam messages which offer to pay shedloads of money for your bike then the payment goes t**s up! They are usually from abroad & the english is idiosyncratic.

If it sounds too good to be true - it probably is!

28-09-2005, 06:52 PM
It seems a bit of a risk that you might not get enough for it!

Set you're reserve price to the minumum amount that you would want from a sale - Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt!

28-09-2005, 09:06 PM
Just watch out for the scam messages which offer to pay shedloads of money for your bike then the payment goes t**s up! They are usually from abroad & the english is idiosyncratic.

If it sounds too good to be true - it probably is!

Hear hear. For every genuine person out there looking for your bike, there will be some A***hole who will try to work a number on you.
Also, if you decide to sell your bike privately through the likes of 'Biketrader' etc, don't put your e-mail address in unless your prepared to receive dozens of similar silly e-mails. Good luck anyway!

21-10-2005, 08:12 PM
Hello mate,
You can't go far wrong on e.bay, Is all i will say is BE HONEST! As long as you are, you will find most people very honest. :moto:
Good luck!
MUNCHY. :eek:

21-10-2005, 08:20 PM
i sold my 748sps,had no-probs........had the tipical timewasters..........but the guy,(who brought it off me in the end),came down from Newcastle!!!!!!.....with a Sprinter van paid me cash.(yes i did check it!) shook my hand and left......he txted me the other day.saying hes loving it to bits!!!......So go for it, but be Carefull,cheque paypal anything like that tell them to stick it up there ass!!!!!

21-10-2005, 08:49 PM
hey we use real cash up here its 'over the border' ya gota be carefull with ;)