View Full Version : Pathetic 2..................

18-09-2005, 06:20 PM
It's that time of year again, and I have to ask the question that I'm sure is on everyone's lips, and that is of course, what possible reason is there, for the existance of that most pathetic of creatures, the Crane Fly?
It spends it's youth as a grub underground, being a bloody niusance by eating plant & grass roots, and then, when it finally emerges out of the ground as an adult, it flies aimlessly around doing fack-all. It doesn't even eat as an adult fer crying out loud.
It comes in your house, and ALWAYS buzzes the bloody light bulb, and thus recieving the insect equivelent of radiation burns, but still it flaps around the bulb. Too bloody dumb to realize that it hurts.
When they decide to stop flying around, and have a rest on your ceiling, they hang there by one leg. They've got SIX bloody legs for Christ's sake. Having all their weight hanging on one leg must make it ache like buggery. Shows you how dumb they are, and no wonder their bloody legs fall off.
And why is it, when they fly, their legs are flapping around all over the place but adding no help to it's wings? What a waste of effort. They must be totally knackered after about 2 minutes of that nonsense.
When they finally get tired of being burnt like a bastard on the light bulb, they then start flying around yer face. Whats that all about?
All they acheive by doing that, is meeting an even earlier demise than is standard in their stupidly short nonsensical lives, by getting twatted by the owner of said face.
Oh, and if they like the light so much, why don't they fly around during the fackin' day instead of at night?
Who said nature is clever?


18-09-2005, 07:52 PM
Slow day today Didge?

Your right though, fecking annoying little b*stards!

18-09-2005, 08:42 PM
Enjoyed that Didge, you took the words straight out of my mouth.

19-09-2005, 12:39 PM
Allways wondered what the point of wasps and mosqitoes are as well, apart from being a complete pain in the ass!