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View Full Version : Just a reminder....

25-04-2005, 06:52 PM
...it ain't Summer yet!!

Just been out for a little whizz around a few of my favourite country roads to catch the last of the days' sunshine and reminded myself it isn't quite Summer.

All the roads were either being dug up in true English roadworks tradition of nothing being done at the quietest time of the day or they had mud and slurry all over them from our beloved 'we don't have to clean the roads after us' farmers making for a couple of 'interesting' lines round more than one corner and if that wasn't enough to keep me on my toes the rest seemed to have suicidal Pheasants and Rabbits intent on starting their Summer with a 'bang' looking for a little animal action and forgetting their green cross code in the process.

Time to go clean the fur, feathers and faeces off my bike now!!

25-04-2005, 10:27 PM
Hmm ....braked sharply to miss a rabbit today (being the pet loving soul I am,but nearly hit a bollard in the road instead)Next time the rabbit gets it :eek: